Meeting fell

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Fell pov: I slightly opened my eye and felt something in my arm my eyes widened as I saw a skeleton look at me this is not undefell. "WHO ARE YOU?!" "Shh hey it's ok don't get up my name's science and I am an au of you!" So my theory was correct but what am I doing here? "Why am I here?" "The original sans felt your pain so we decided to come save you he found you on the ground and you were in pretty bad shape. I didn't respond I didn't need anyone's help I just wanna go home. "The ones who rescued you are outside may I bring them?" "Sure?" A few seconds later he walked in with a goopy skeleton, another one that had error written all over him, one with a crack in his skull, and the original one he's cute...Wait WHAT?! I can't be falling for the original I just met him?! *Sigh* "Nice to meet all of you thanks for helping." "Don't thank us thank classic he's the one who wanted to save you." The original ran to my side and slowly rubbed my arm I slightly blushed before shaking the feeling away "Thank you I owe everything to the one who saved my life." "I couldn't let another au just die I wanted to keep underfell alive since it was one of the first aus to be created along with mine." He sounded so.....beautiful the moment was short lived when science said everyone had to leave I still needed healing my ribs hurt...."Ow...." "Where does it hurt?" "My fucking ribs are killing me." "Language also I'm going to have to twist some of your bones back into place it will hurt even with the numbing pain I would suggest holding my hand and every time you feel pain just squeeze it alright?" "How...bad is this going to hurt?" "Uhm....based on the parts of you broken b..bones I would say....pretty bad." Oh fuck.....How am I going to handle this I got lost in my thoughts when classic opened the door and offered his hand science agreed saying it would give him his other arm to work. He picked up my hand while science held my broken finger I winced in pain oh how much it hurt *Whimper* "Hey shh it ok use my hand it'll be over soon I promise just close your eyes and focus on my hand." I slowly closed my eyes as I felt my shirt being lifted science let out a gasp was it that bad? "F..f.ell this may hurt a little more I'm going to try and put some numbing spray on your ribs alright? I was shaking in fear classic must've noticed he slowly put his hand on one of my ribs his touch felt...warm. Science came back and put some spray on my ribs before slowly twisting them in place the pain was unbearable *whimper* I held onto classics hand for dear life and 30 minutes later it was done. "How are you feeling?" (Fell didn't respond he just passed out) "Thanks for your help Classic he should be better in no time if there was another way I would've taken it but he had to bear the pain I'm sorry..." "Hey no it's alright you we're doing your job I'm glad ink created you otherwise we would all be dead" "Heh,.thanks you should go outside the others are probably waiting"

Word count: 633

For people who didn't really imagine the chapter well here's a better one:
Science is operating on fell while classic sits in a chair beside him holding his hand while he whimpers.

Better? Also this is the longest chapter I've made holy shit

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