Almost there

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Science pov: Fell seems to be improving a lot faster than expected! If he keeps this up I can officially discharge him and he can go live his happily ever after. I wonder if he has the strength to go see his'll allow it as long as someone goes with him in case things go wrong I don't wanna have to twist back ribs together again *Shudder* just thinking about it makes me crazy! Oh well I need to see what he's up to for today *knock knock* "Come in" "Hi fell I have some great news to inform you about!" "Oh really what's that?" "Your health seems to be improving and your bones seem to be building up just fine in a few days I may let you out!" "R..really?! I can see my bro again?!" "Well uhm..about that I've discovered that he was the one who did this to you so...if you wanna see him take at least classic or killer with you just in case." "But I wanna go alone to my au" "Sorry fell doctor's orders." And with that I left feeling guilty on how I had to send a different sans just to protect this one. *sigh* The day has just started and I'm already feeling guilty about what I have to tell patients. I heard the bell of the front door open and I saw that dust was here "Dust? What are you doing here are you hurt or are you here to visit?" "Science tell me one thing...if I absorbed a soul with full on determination what would happen?" I dropped my pen why would he ask that? "W..w.ell will develop the ability to reset but to much of it could..." "I know I know I could die." He pulled out a soul form his pocket whats he about to...oh no. (Science runs to dust and grabs the soul realizing what he was about to do) "IM NOT LETTING YOU RISK YOUR LIFE JUST FOR A RESET YOU NEED THERAPY!" He didn't say anything after he just broke down I sat him on a couch and tried to comfort him but I knew no one comforts him better than nightmare I dialed his number while dust was now asleep. "Nightmare I need you one of your boys tried to do something that would risk their life..." "OH HELL NO-." He hung up the phone and I heard a loud bang he had busted thru the door and once he caught sight of me and dust he ran towards us and picked up dust making sure he wasn't hurt or anything. "What did he try to do?!" "W..w.ell h.he tried to absorb a determination soul he wanted to reset his world." "Get that soul as far away from us as possible" "Yes sir!" I ran up the stairs and put the soul in a jar and locked it up then ran back down the stairs to find out nightmare had left with dust    *sigh* I will have to fix the doors later but for now I must check if fell heard anything I opened his door to find out he was just sleeping....*sigh of relief* he's ok...he's happy he will get better very very soon.

Word count:577

I felt the urge to add a mama nightmare scene in this so here ya go!
(Rip the doors)

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