A feeling

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Classic pov: Today I woke up feeling more tired than usual and it kinda concerned me because the last time I felt this way was when another sans was dying and we couldn't save that au.....(Au is flowerfell) *Sigh* Hopefully this pain will disappear I don't want to have to go to work with an aching spine. "Hey classic come down for breakfast!" "COMING KILLER!" Ow... (Classic walks down the stairs clenching his chest) "I'm here what's for breakfast?" "Today is eggs now have a seat boss is assigning us missions today" "Alright" I sat down and ate my food when we heard nightmare walk down the stairs with his goop getting all over the stairs.Nightmare each gave us a list on what we would do I got chore's....great. We all finished our breakfast and separated some opened portals and some stayed in the mansion to clean. This pain is killing me I shouldn't ignore the signs there has to be an au suffering from some type of injury I wonder if I can help maybe it's time for my to get that machine to work. But father was the only one who knew how to use the machine but he's gone now....*hic* oh gee, I need to control my emotions more often. I miss them so much... if only they waited another day to get my supplies it's me fault they are gone if I had just...."Classic are you alright?" "Oh yeah yeah I'm fine it's nothing nighty I'm fine" "If you say so..." that was a close one now let me finish these chores I can try to finish that machine or do the other way it will be painful but it will be worth it if I can save an au. "Night I'm done!" "Your free for the day now go do whatever you want" I nodded and rushed to the basement and there it was....the machine I've been working on for decades just in a different au and form oh well it's still the same machine and it's gonna get me to that au no matter the cost now let's see how this works...

Step 1: Turn on machine

Step 2: Choose an au

Step 3: Concentrate all your magic on the machine

Step 4: go thru door

Side effects: Death, loss of magic, loss of senses, and loss of consciousness

Classic pov: Not to bad now let's turn on the machine (Classic turns on the machine and a computer appears with all the au sans files) *Helle classic what au will you be traveling to today?* Woah this machine can talk and oh what's this? Underfell is that the au? What hp is this sans at?! 0.3. Holy...I better get there quickly. (Class starts using his magic but error suddenly walks in and classic passed out due to so much magic being used) "CLASSIC?!"

To be continued......

Word count:506

How was this chapter lots of turns huh? Yeah I wanted it to be interesting....

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