An inseparable pair?

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Science pov(Short): I wish to never do that again the pain he must've felt I can't imagine how that would feel now I have to investigate where on earth did he he get such injuries. When I was looking at his ribs I noticed a footprint? Did someone step on him oh poor thing I'm glad classic brought him here on time or he would've dusted away! Oh I do hope they care for him...

2 hours later

Fell pov: *Groan* wait where am I again? Oh right I'm in a hospital and I just experienced the worst pain in my fucking life. Why does it still hurt I thought science fixed it.....Guess it takes time I tried to get up but I FELL on the floor *Whimper.* I heard the door open and when I saw who it was my soul skipped a beat......It was classic and he was staring at me a few seconds had passed before he ran to me and lifted me up and tucked me into the hospital bed and told me not to get up he looked so cute when angry. "Alright alright I won't get up and I promise to press the button when I need something." "You promise?" "Yeah yeah whatever I promise" *Laugh* ok then bye! He just keeps getting cuter by the minute.....Wait a second I FORGOT ABOUT BOSS! Ohhh ok this is bad where's my phone did I forget it again *head slap* great he's definitely going to kill me for sure *sigh* if only he was like he used to be...he was so kind and scared of everything I was the one who would stick up for him.....If only he hadn't joined the royal guard he would've been so much happier *sob* *hic* I felt something weird on my face I put my hand on it and realized I was crying oh god...I need to stop before someone hears me (Classic opens the door once again and runs to the bedside hugging fell)

A few minutes after the comfort

Classic pov: "Feeling better?" "Y..yeah...." Poor fell I can't imagine what he had been thru I'm glad I sensed him on time. I noticed something unusual about him tho every sans gets tired every now and then but fell..... he loses more energy than I thought he immediately went to sleep after I comforted him it was weird.....I'm going to have to ask science about that later but for now I had to go to the waiting room to find some very jealous skeletons wanting my attention they can be so impatient some but I still love them either way.

Word count:471

Phew I finally finished this I had no ideas so I thought why not make a kustard scene?

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