Two concerned brothers

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Fell papyrus pov:It's been weeks since I've seen my idiot brother how useless can he get? He doesn't do anything but laz around all day and then he runs of what a coward....For a few hours I actually thought he dusted but alphys said she couldn't find any dust anywhere so guess the freaks still alive. One thing we all have wondered was where was he? The underground isn't that big we've looked everywhere and there's no sign of him we also looked at the core he couldn't have fallen he can't end up like dad can he? "Hey papyrus they days over we can keep searching tomorrow alright?" "See ya later bluefish." I walked home still in my bad mood I opened the door if he was here I would see him on the couch...I really miss him I think I went to hard on I shouldn't think like that in order to survive in this place you must be strong. I slumped down on my bed thinking about fell, he would've been here reading my favorite book I guess I'll just have to sleep another night without him....(Fell papyrus falls asleep still thinking about his brother wondering if he's alright.)

Fell pov: DAMN IT! I can't stop worrying about boss it's been days since I've ever heard from him...Oh god. I was suppose to be reading his favorite story *hic* I hope he's alright.....tch who am I kidding my boss is strong he can handle a few more days if only I could heal faster I could get to him and tell him how much I missed him but ink came to visit earlier today and said that no papyrus shall know about the aus....Oh boy I need to leave this place soon...(If you guys wanna know what fell looked like while saying these words in his head scroll down!)

(Fell sans is laying down on the hospital bed while putting his hand on his skull while an iv is still in place.He just wants to see his brother again....)

Word count:355

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