A little visit

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Fell pov: *yawn* "Morning already? Oh well" I couldn't really do anything because my legs were broken and I couldn't move that much I wondered where science was until I heard a portal open. "Sorry for not being here when you woke up I was busy with other things" "It's alright when are you going to start the daily tests?" "In a few minutes let me just grab the supplies" (I forgot to mention that fell needs to do tests everyday and he's usually drained after the tests) science appeared a few seconds later with the same tools every day I rolled up my sleeve's knowing what would happen next. He pulled out an iv and stuck in my arm I slightly winced at the pain I should be used to it by now he's done it so many times. After the procedure was done I just  laid there on the hospital looking lifeless this is pain I wish I would've just died....I don't know what to do sci had left when he heard the front door of the hospital open I wondered who it was. I closed my eyes wanting to fall asleep but I felt a similar presence my eyes light up when I saw who science was talking to outside it was classic! I listened to their conversation as I just listened. "Can we see fell today?" "Yeah uhm about that...he felt more tired today from the tests I don't think I can allow that..." "Can you ask him?" "I can ask..." The door opened and there was sci putting up his glasses. "Classic is here to visit you do you think you have the strength to stay awake a bit longer?" "Sure" "Alright classic come in!" Science stepped away and there was classic standing there with the brightest smile on his face I couldn't help but blush a bit on how cute he looked. The moment was short lived when ran to a chair nearby and hugged me not to tight but tight enough to know that his hands were holding onto my back. "Hey buddy shh shh it's alright I'm alright just a bit tired that's all no need to panic. I didn't know why but he was slowly breaking down I didn't know what to do was he that worried? "S..s.orry I didn't m..ean to hug you to tight" "Come on bud don't be like that I'm fine honest..." He slowly calmed down and sat back in chair talking his day I found myself slowly falling asleep I wanted to stay asleep and listen to him longer but he must have noticed and looked at me with an understanding face. "Are you tired? I can leave if you want" "No no I'm fine honestly! "If you say so." He continued talking I tried to focus on what he was saying but I was to tired I couldn't hold on any longer I slowly drifted to sleep before I completely fell asleep I heard someone leave "S..s..tay" (Classic had heard what he said and sat back down holding his hand while he was sleeping)

Classic pov: It took a few minutes before he completely fell asleep while I held his hand. Just then science walked in "Is he fully asleep?" "Yes now do you need to tell me something?" "Y..y..e.s actually I.. need to talk about his c...c..ondition." "Go on" "w...well he may t...t.a..ke l..onger to r...e..cover" "How long?" I looked up at him nervously waiting for a response. "A..b..out a m..month." "Is he that bad?" "The results showed signs of abuse and neglect" I didn't know what to say I'm honestly so worried about him I needed to know his hp. "What's his hp?" "0.6 he's healing slowly but it may take a month before he fully recovers form this pain." "Thanks you science for this information" "No problem I will leave you 2 alone now." Science left me and him alone I kissed his head while I found myself slowly dazing away and before I knew it I fell asleep on a chair but then I felt tentacles wrapping around must be nightmare taking me home.

Word count:750

I've been posting short chapters and I apologize like I said I'm making a surprise for you all it will be my biggest book yet! Also holy shit this is the longest I've ever written.

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