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Alright back with the povs!

Fell pov(short): Seems like I'm alone for a bit I don't know why but I miss classic.......I think this feeling is love boss told me to never fall in love no matter what. Whatever I'll just stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep. (Fells slowly falls asleep)

Classic pov: I can't get him out of my head he's just to cute! I didn't like seeing him in pain I hope he's doing alright now science better care for him oh, who am I kidding I trust him 100%. I wonder where dust is....(Classic hears some screaming downstairs) what's that all about? I ran downstairs to see that error has brought dust but.....he was crying? I ran over to dust and hugged him saying reassuring words I may not know what happened but I did my best. Nightmare picked him up and brought him to my room "I hope you don't mind but dust needs to sleep with someone tonight" "It's alright! He needs the comfort anyway" I ran to my room and saw that dust had already fallen asleep I curled up next to him and was stroking his skull. Poor thing....he must've had a bad day I should've brought him with us. I turned off the lights and drifted off to sleep...

Word count:244(sorry it's so short)

Sorry dis chapter is short I'm working on a surprise for you all 🤫

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