Long distance

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Killer pov: I've never told anyone this but apparently I discovered I have some sort of soothing magic I calmed down horror while using it. He wouldn't stop hugging classic after he woke up nightmare literally had to pull him off with his tentacles what's up with horror these days? Anyways classic told us all about this au he discovered and we needed to get there fast. Error opened up a portal and it was quite long nightmare picked up classic because he was still injured and needed rest. I was in charge of horror I had to make sure he didn't jump on anyone. Error was using his strings to keep the portal open while he held onto classics hand. Horror got jealous and tried to escape my grip but I hugged him tighter seriously this guy has some serious clingy issues I get it, classic is cute but sometimes he needs space I guess horror just can't get enough of him.

2 days later

Error pov: We're halfway thru this portal science gives a report every day on how this sans is doing and he's holding on I mean sure his hp is at 0.3 but I can tell he won't give up it's like he knows there's help coming. Classic was freaking out I saw that he kept tugging on horror's sleeve for some comfort we had to stop at some point of the day to let those 2 rest. I really don't wanna be here any longer but I know that if it makes our little prince happy(Referring to classic) then we will help him all the way. Thru. We waited a few more hours before finally walking back into the white void where we would soon reach our destination. The mood was tense for a few moments because science said the sans hp might drop within minutes I can't do anything to make this go faster but we will make it for the sake of classic and the au.

Word count:375

Thank you all so much for supporting my other books it makes me overjoyed people actually read them and when I mean people I mean 596 Views on *the one who started it all* Seriously thank you

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