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Science pov: I was checking on fells condition when I found him asleep he looks tense I slowly walked to him and sat on a chair nearby. I then realized something he looks more weak I rolled up his sleeves and I saw cuts......cuts everywhere on his hands dry blood fallen bone marrow it must be so painful.....I went to go grab some bandages when I heard a groan from behind me seems like he's awake. "Good afternoon fell" "Afternoon? Did I fall asleep...." "Mhm you slept for 3 hours also do you mind telling me what am I seeing on your arms?" He finally realized that his sleeves were rolled up and he tensed up..."It's fine if you don't wanna tell me now just don't try anything alright?" "F...f..ine" He slowly put his head back on the pillow with a slight hiss his hp is at 0.5 fell is healing but very slowly a little to slow.... I shrug it off and went to go get the bandages I returned shortly after and he gave me a approved look. I lifted his arm while wrapping bandages around it fell let out soft whimpers "I'm sorry does it hurt?" Fell didn't respond he just looked away holding back tears a few seconds later I was finally done and rolled down his sleeves. "All better now get some rest will ya?" Before I knew it he had dozed off to sleep. Poor fell... I'm glad he was found I can finally care for this skeleton if only he hadn't suffered so much the treatment would've been less painful. I could hear talking form outside Nightmare and his gang we're discussing on where they should take him after recovery I wondered if they would consider having a new member.

Word count:314

Sorry it took so long but it's finally out!

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