Dust meets fell

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Dust pov: I must've fallen asleep because currently I'm being squished by Classic while he's asleep I tried to get out of his grip but he pulled me down and gripped me harder *sigh* "Oi classic mind not gripping to hard?" "No you came home crying! I'm not letting you leave my sight *pout*. He looks cute when he's angry I opened the blinds and realized it was morning "Aren't you going to introduce me to fell?" "Oh yeah! ERROR GET OVER HERE!" "What is it classic?" "Take me and dust to sciencetale he hasn't seen fell yet." "Alright alright I'm opening up a portal now. " A few minutes later a glitchy portal opened and classic grabbed my hand and ran thru the portal into the hospital and the bell on top of the door made a ding noise. "Who is it?" "Hi science! I'm here to see fell!" "Right this way you 2!" Science led us to room 01 where the blinds were slightly open I took a little peek to see a skeleton with a golden tooth and a red jacket with a collar on his neck? Classic opened the door and realized he was sleeping. "Oh...uhm I'm sure he won't mind if we wake him up?" We both sat in a chair and he was stroking his forehead a few minutes passed and fell had woken up "Who is this?" "Fell this is dust we live together along with nightmare and the others." "Hello there *cough*." Wow this guy really is sick. "Hi I'm dust as stated before our little classic over here talks about you all the time." "Oh really now? Didn't know you were that interested in me." "W..well I did want to help y...y..you s...so." "Don't sweat it it's nice to meet you dust I wish he could talk more but science has to start his daily tests I'll see ya soon I guess." I then waved goodbye but a second before we left I saw science take out an iv and a few other medical items just what does this guy have to go through? I looked at classic and noticed there were tears forming in his eyes *sigh* I wipe them off holding his chin and looked at him firmly "he will be alright I trusted science with you now I want you to trust science with fell." I pulled him into a hug not giving a chance to say anything I dialed errors number and a few minutes later I opened up a portal and walked thru it ran up the stairs and set Classic down on his bed. Just when I was about to leave I heard something "s..t..a..y" I thought for a second then layed on his bed tightly hugged him as he did to me this morning and dozed off.

Word count:504

Holy cow I didn't know it was possible to write so many chapters in a day- lol hope ya like em

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