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This chapter will be a bit different there will be no povs nor these ". It's just going to be the bad sanses discussing if they want a new member

Classic- I say we should keep him with us he has nowhere to go.

Horror- We need to find out more about him before we make decisions like this.

Nightmare- I agree in a few minutes I will go to science sans and see what info his has on his current condition and his au status.

Error- I say we keep the guy from what I've heard he had lots of chocolate.

Classic- Oh hush error! That's not the reason we keep him he's hurt and I as the original want to help!

Error- Alright, alright fine I'll set up a room based on what he looks like.

Horror- Boss just left a few minutes ago

Killer- Hey everybody I'm back from a little killing~

Nightmare- There you are come join on this conversation we want a new member and classic has found one from undefell but he's kinda weak.


Nightmare- Sorry sorry.


Nightmare- Aw come on don't be like that~

Classic-Don't try to flirt with me we have things to discuss.

Science- Sorry to bother but I have news about the patient......
(Classic seems eager to know)

Science- His hp is slowly increasing but it's happening at a slow pace I don't know when he'll be able to leave but just know it's not anytime soon.

Killer- Thanks for the info I'll be heading home with horror.

Nightmare- Error can you go get dust? Just realized we left him for so long.

Error- Yes boss I will get him immediately cant believe we forgot 😬.


(Error and the others left leaving nightmare and classic alone)

Nightmare- Hey, he will be alright eventually come on let's go home I'll pick you up.

Classic-Alright.....fine but we will come back later.

Nightmare- Fair enough now come on you need rest and the others are probably hungry and need to cook up some food.

(Nightmare opens up a portal with classic on his tentacles)

Word count: 369 🫦

Woah...I've never written like dis before I'm proud.

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