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Killer pov:I was in the middle of taking a shower when I heard a knock at my door "GIVE ME A SECOND!" I turned the water off put a towel that covered my entire body and ran to open the door "Oh hey boss....Do ya need somethin?" "Yes I wanted to know if you have made up your mind on the new member." "Let me get dressed first I'll meet you downstairs with the others alright?" After I got dressed I ran down the stairs sat in my chair and then the meeting began.....(Imma just change this a bit-)

Nightmare-I think you all know why we're here.

Horror-Indeed now how are we supposed to do this "vote" thing?

Nightmare-I will each hand you a paper and you will mark yes or no on the box. (A few minutes later everyone is done voting)

Nightmare-Alright the majority of you all voted yes in a few days we will welcome fell and bring him here when he's discharged.

Classic pov: Phew I'm so happy they all decided to keep him I guess they're not so heartless just...,broken. I excused myself from the table and ran back to dusts room waiting for him. A few seconds later he walked in and I tugged him onto the bed a cuddled him for warmth "Heh...I used to do this with papyrus all the time." "Hey at least your not the only one without a papyrus I killed mine for gods sake!" "O..h *whimper." "Classic what's wrong?" "I m..miss h..him." "I do too but hey look on the bright side your here with us and nobody can harm you how about some good memories to cheer you up." "Thanks dust..."

No one pov:The 2 brotherless skeletons talked about their days in high school laughing about recent events that occurred. Dust cuddled Classic a bit closer before he slowly went asleep. Classic however, pulled out his phone and started texting fell (Don't ask how they got each other's number)

Classic text: Hi fell what did you guys do today?

Fell text:Oh just the usual getting tested,taking pills,sleeping it's just another day.

Classic:Awh...don't worry things will get better I promise you'll be discharged before you know it! And the minute you are I will be waiting outside!

Fell text:Thanks classic see you whenever you'll be able to visit

Classic text:Bye!

(Classic dropped his phone and cuddled back into dust falling asleep)

Word count:464

Sorry it took a few days to post a chapter I ran out of ideas! Still working on the y/n story it will be my biggest book yet! I will just have to finish this one first.

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