The first Meet

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The Next-day at Night..,

Prem and John standing infront a Bus stop and waiting for their booked bus to start... John looking around the whole place with extreme tensed face and Prem looking at him with a smile.. And when Jhon looked at Prem , he saw Prem smiling at him with a small smirk ..

John : What?

Prem : Why you over concerning about me John ? Am i going to my home for the first time?

John looked at his face then slowly looked down with sad face... Prem smiled and understood John will cry for sure...

Prem : Heyy!!!!Are you gonna cry ?

John : Ugh!! Okay I'm Gonna miss you!! Happy?

John looked at him with a sad face then looked at away with blinking his eyes... So Prem sighed with a smile then slowly held his hand...

Prem : Baby!

John didn't looked at his face except leaving a humming sound..

Prem : look at me Booboo !!

John sighed and looked at his face when Prem called him with his favourite call..

John : What?

Prem : Why you being like this now ? I'm always used to go in every weekends right?

John : Yeah! But---

Prem : but what? I never saw you like this before !! What really happened?

John : I don't know either...I'm kinda feeling Weird this I'm gonna Miss you forever!

Prem : (( Chuckled))What are you talking about?? I'm not going to attend My wedding !

John : Yeah But I'm feeling like , something gonna happen between us...

Prem : Stop overthinking na.. You were the one who always advising me for that... now what?

John : Told you! I don't know.. Um...
Can i ask you something?

Prem : What?

John : Incase, If Your uncle won't agree or say No for our relationship, What you will do??

Prem : Whoa! so That's your concern!! Now I've got it!

John : Yeah! Say Babyboo!!

Prem : Um... What usually, Every couples in movies will do if their parents say against a love Affair?

John looked at him confusingly when he heard that , but then he shocked and looked at his face with UH shaped mouth..

John : Run away?

Prem smiled widely then quickly hugged him tightly with looking up to his face...

Prem : I only needs you Booboo...Even If the world Said No, I'll be your's only...And I know You'll be with me , no matter what... So That's enough for me..

John smiled widely when heard that then hugged him tightly with extreme happiness...

John : I will look after you Till my last breath...

Prem smiled widely when he heard that then slowly looked up to his face.. So John smiled and slowly moved his lips down then captured his soft lips...And Prem didn't denied it..because he know that both of them needs it he accepted it and kissed him back too.. Some of the other Travellers saw that and felt some irritation... But Nothing and No-one bothered them at all and they kept kissing deeply till they interupted by the sound of bus horn.... So Prem looked at the bus then looked at John again with a smile..

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now