
365 49 17

{ very important chapter.. Never skip anything..Most importantly last part}


Boun shocked and immediately stoped his car then looked at his face with extreme angery face..

Prem : Don't look at me like that Mister Boun..You made me do this...

Boun : Delete it...

Prem : No!

Boun looked at him Angerily then Immediately tried to grab his phone.. so Prem shocked and quickly strteched his hand to outside through the window..

Boun : Prem delete right now..

Prem : I will delete this for sure if only you promised me that You'll help Me !!

Boun looked at him Angerily then quickly got down from his car then closed the door Prem Startled by the sound and saw He walking at his side.. .. so Prem Shocked and quickly open his WhatsApp family group then then selected the photo And when Boun opened his door Prem quickly showed the phone at him and Boun saw He ready to send the photo with finger pointing at the send button..So Boun looked at him with his another death glare..

Prem : I will send it for sure if you hurt me ! you know My Aunt is a phone addict..Even you delete the message, She will see it for sure.. So Don't make me do it !!

Boun looked at him with his death glare and Prem's entire body shivered when he saw Boun's angery look.. but he acted as He's not scared at all and be with his cool face...

Boun : Prem You are messing with a Cope.. You don't know how I'm capable of !

Prem : I know..That's why I'm doing this..You're messing with my life now.. I don't have any choice...

Boun looked at him with another death glare then Slowly moved back and turned around.. And when he couldn't control his anger he quickly kicked a rock which is staying infront of him....

Boun : DAMNIT!!

Prem shocked and He knew that he deserved that kick...So he swollowed his saliva then slowly got down from the car then closed the door then looked at him with tensed face..So Boun looked at him his another death glare till Prem's soul left from his body..

Boun : Don't Come near!

Prem shocked and quickly moved back then stayed behind the car..

Prem : I don't wanna blackmailing you and I won't do that Boun..You're mistaken !

Boun looked at the side with his serious face and only he can hear Prem's sound behind the car..So he quickly walked to him and stood infront of him with his serious face.. so Prem shocked and quickly ran from him and stood at the Front side of the car..


You will hurt Me !!

Boun controled his anger again and again then stayed right with looking at the side.. suddenly he saw Prem peeking..


Slowly Prem looked at him with his tensed face..

Prem : Can I come? I wanna say something..

Boun : (( Sighs)) Yeah!

After confirming He's okay , Prem Slowly walked to him with extreme tensed face..

Boun : What do you wanna say ?

Prem : Um-- I won't do anything that ruin your life Boun...I have only one intention that to remove you from my life forever.. That's all..

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now