The Guilt

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At the Friday night,..

Prem packing his dresses to his bag to go to his home to attend his Uncle's birthday function and John sitting infront of him with a sad face and Prem controlling his smile asuaual when he saw John's dramatic face..

John : Argh! If you wanna laugh then laugh! Don't control!

Prem : (( Chuckled)) I'll come back here on Sunday Evening Sir !

John : Whatever!

Prem sighed and looked at his face with a smile , then he quickly take one of his dress from his bag then threw at John...

Prem : Catch!

John catched it with Confused face then looked at him...

John : You don't need this?

Prem : Keep it.. That's your favorite dress of mine.. Hug it when you miss me..

John : Then Give me the dress which you wearing right Now...

Prem : Ugh? Aiiii It's so sweaty.. And, Smelly too....

John : That's what I really want...

Prem : My sweaty stinky Dress !!?

John : You really don't know How much Sensitive Iam with your Sweat smell...

Prem rolled his eyes with a sigh then quickly removed his T-shirt then threw at him.. so John slightly smiled with grabbing it and hugged it tightly...

John : Thanks!

Prem : Man You are completely insane !

John : (( Sad Smile )) I know..

Prem looked at him with a smile then quickly got up and rushly sat on his lap with putting his hands around his neck.... So John looked at him sadly then pulled him closer till both their chest pressed completely eachother....

Prem : Why you always being like this Booboo !?

John : You Know I can't live without you here...why you always going to your home with leaving me here all alone hon!?

Prem : So ,You are saying I shouldn't go to my uncle's birthday!?

John : Did I said that? You can go... But I'll miss you badly... That what I'm saying...

Prem : So what do you want me to do?

John : Can I come with You to your home this time ?

Prem : WHAT!! Wh--What are you talking about?

John : As Your Friend, College mate, or-- or anything else which You pref---

Prem : No!!

John's face immediately gone sad again when Prem said that straightly....

John : Ok!

Prem : Argh! Booboo Listen to me...I can't do that... If they asked me who you are, what will I say?

John : Just Say that I'm your friend...

Prem : Johnny You don't know about my family.. They won't stop in that question.. They will ask many more questions about us then I won't be able keep lying to them...we definitely will caught and it will lead to disclose the whole truths which we were hidden till Yet... Is that what do you wanted!? Oh My god I can't even imagine it...

John sighed with a Disappointed face and Prem understood John is still sad...So He quickly cupped his both cheeks...

Prem : Babe Look at me..

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now