The Fight

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The same Morning...

Prem staying in the kitchen with rushly making their breakfast, because he woke up late Today.. suddenly His phone rang from the shelf... So he looked at the phone annoyingly then quickly wiped his hands by the towel then walked to the shelf then took his phone and saw his Aunt' s Number on the screen..So He smiled and quickly attended the call...

Prem : Aunt Ma, Morning..

Morning baby!! Woke up!?

Prem : Yeah. I was preparing the Breakfast Ma!

Preparing the Breakfast!?

Prem shocked and quickly covered his mouth with his hand then stomped his feet with extreme frustrationly with closing his both eyes tightly...

Prem : (( Shit!))


Prem : Mm?

Where are you right now!?! You are not at your college hostel!??

Prem : Ugh? Um.. Y.. Yeah! I.. we...we Can prepare the Tea right!? So I was--

Prem! Say where are you Now!?

Prem : (( Sighs )) I'm at My friend's Home Ma!


Prem : I.. I told you... My exam's are coming... So... Compain studies.. I.. I.. Came here Last night only... I'll go back Today..

" Then why didn't you told me this early!??"

Prem : You will scold me right!?

" Ofcourse I will scold you.. Who give you the permission to stay someone's else home Prem !? When did you started to doing these all? This is why I Said You shouldn't stay there alone.. Okay You do one thing... Tommorow, Uncle will come there.. pack your dresses and come back here... "

Prem : Aunt Ma I'm Sorry.. I'm really sorry....I won't do this again.. please forgive me this time...

Can I say this to your uncle!??

Prem : No no no no no Please Aunt Ma.. I told you I'm sorry.. I never will do this.. Please give me one more chance...

If I knew like this again, Then you will be here .. okay!?

Prem : Mm okay...

" Good "

Prem : (( Sighs)) Why you calling me !??

" You will come on Saturday right!?

Prem : Saturday!? What is it!??

Ohh You forgot!?? Saturday is your uncle's Birthday!

Prem : Oh My God !!

what really happened to you!?

Prem : I.... I.. forgot Ma.. I'm Sorry...

Day by day you are changing.. You are breaking the rules, forgetting Our family important days, Now what you will gonna do next!??

Prem sighed with extreme sad face then slowly leaned on the kitchen slab..


Prem : Mm?

Will you come or not!??

Prem : I'll try.. You know This is My exam time... how can I come at this time!??

Okay Then don't come.. that's better.. Bye then..

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now