Anniversary Gift

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The same Evening..

Prem get down from his bus then looked around for John.. But he couldn't see him anywhere.. so He confusingly took his phone from his bag the quickly dialled John's number.. and After two ring John  picked it up..


Prem : Jhon where are you?? I reached here already!

"Baby I'm sorry na.. I'm still in the  workshop!"

Prem : WHAT!!?? John I told you to take a leave tonight and you promised!! Don't you remember?

"Yes baby i do remember.. but Listen t--"

Prem : Don't talk to me I hate you!!

Prem immediately cut the call then looked down with extreme sad face.. Because till this time, he was eagerly waiting for him, waiting to see his love's face, waiting for to hug him and kiss him till he got back his secured feeling what John used to give him.. But when John said He is not there for him, it really hurts him and slowly he started to crying silently.. Suddenly His phone vibrated again and Prem looked at the number then saw "Booboo".. so Prem looked at the number sometimes then slowly attended it..

Prem : H--

"Baby I'm really Sorry.. Listen to me now.. When I was waiting Here ,Fredy called me and sa--"

Prem : (( Tears)) Booboo!!!!?

"Ooohhhh Yes baby.. I'm here!!

Prem : (( Tears)) I missed you..

" Yes Babyboo I missed you too  badly!! I'm here... I'm right here.. look... You Just don't worry okay?.Just go to our home and take a  quick shower.. I'll be there very soon.. Okay?

Prem : Mm..

"And Hey!!?"

Prem : Mm?

" You have a surprise too"

Prem : What surprise?

"Heyyyyy Don't make me say it .. You know I'll say it  if you ask Don't ask.. Mm?

Prem : what is it Jhon?

"My pretty baby right? My chweety , cutey , puppy , se*y  baby boy right?? Don't ask ..and Smile na Babyboo "

Prem immediately smiled when he heard that all and he quickly wiped his tears..

Prem : Okay I'm going.. come there fast..
I will be  waiting!

"Sure..Go safely"

Prem : Bye love you..

"Love you too"

Prem smiled and cut the call then released a deep breath with a relaxed mind then quickly walked to the Taxi stand... After sometimes, Prem get down from the Taxi , then paid the fair then looked up at their lovely home... Not Just a Home.. Their world!!

 Their world!!

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