The Visitors

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PPREMBB0UN Hope you will  like this chapter too...And I'm sorry...I'm a little bit late.........


The same Night....

Prem sitting inside his Sister's bedroom , balcony floor with looking at the Night sky with extreme tensed face... Because the Morning Incidents and Boun's face is threatening him hardly.. Suddenly,


Prem : Ughhh!!

Prem starteld and looked at the side then saw his Sister staying behind him happily...

Prem : Ughh!!What are you doing Pret!?
I'm already scared now You trying to give me an heartattck !!

Pretty smiled and Slowly sat beside him then looked at his face again..

Pretty : What happened?

Prem : Oh You are asking what happened to me Now ugh?  Look like you are not living on this Earth anymore!

Pretty : (( Chuckled)) look Prem.. If you don't wanna marry that guy, then why you don't say it at that time ??

Prem : How many times!!! I did .. but That guy was Just--- ugh!!! How can a person agree for a marriage when he saw him for the first time ?? Look like I'm living inside in a Disney Movie !

Pretty : (( Chuckled)) Maybe He will likes you for the First Sight!

Prem : Ugh what rubbish!!! I know I'm not  that much attractive and beautiful...
Then I  don't understand what that guy sees in me !

Pretty : who told you that You're not attractive?

Prem : Ugh that's not the matter here Pret.. Can you help to escape from this..

Pretty : What?? Hahahah!! Who asking help Now??

Prem : What?? I can't ask  help ??

Pretty : You are a brilliant guy than me right ?  Then why you wanna asking my help?? Just think for a solution for yourself!

Prem : You Brutus!! I'm facing these Situation because of YOU! If i wouldn't  came here, He wouldn't have seen me and I wouldn't be like this Now...I would have been sleeping calmly inside my bedroom Now...Must have been sleeping happily Under My Boo--

Prem stopped immediately then swollowed his saliva then quickly looked down with extreme panicked face..

Pretty : Under Your Boo??

Prem : Ugh?? Um... M....My blue blanket!

Pretty looked at him with a doubtful face and Prem awkwardly smiled at her...

Pretty : Are you really staying at your College hostel ??

Prem : Ugh? Um... Y.. Yes .. why?

Pretty : Nothing... I have some doubts on you... Not only to me.. For everyone else...

Prem : Ugh? Wh... What doubts?

Pretty : Uncle Jay Once said that, He saw someone like you at traffic with a another Guy...

Prem shocked and quickly looked down with extreme tensed face...

Pretty : You told me about that car racing Guy... What's his name?

Prem : Ugh? Um.. John...John Levinston..

Pretty : Is he still  a crush of you or Are you two in a relationship Now ?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now