Bomb blast

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After two weeks...

Boun sitting inside his office room and looking at his laptop with reading some information what his subordinates sent him earlier.. suddenly Sophie called him from the next room..


Boun : YEAH!!?




Boun sighed with his surrendered face then slowly got up and walked to the kitchen then took a bottle of water from the Fridge then walked to the room.. And he saw his beloved wife sitting on the bed and looking at him with her pouty face..

Boun : Here !

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Boun : Here !

Sophia smiled at him then grabbed the bottle and started drinking it..

Boun : Anything else ?

Sophia : Nope! You can go back to work..

Boun : You sure ?

Sophia : Why you doubting me ?

Boun : Because everytime You making me walk ten times for a thing that I'm able to take in one walk !

Sophia : Then bear it sir.. You are the one who made me like this ..

Boun : But you were there too !!

Sophia : Ugh! I'm not saying that.. You are the one who ordered me to stay in this room day to Night..Never letting me go anywhere!

Boun : That's because The Doctor said You need a complete bedrest because the baby's growth problem !

Sophia : Ugh! Boun, bed rest doesn't Mean Always lying on this bed ! The Doctor told me to take a Partial bedrest..So it's okay to sit, stand, walk around or take a small drive for short periods of time..

Boun : As long as I'm here ,You stay right here..That's why I moved the TV into this room.. You can watch anything and the bathroom is near too.. so no worry for that. And If I want to go out, I will--

Sophia : You will?

Boun : I will arrange a Maid !

Sophia : WHAT!!! you Idiot..So everyone will know about my pregnancy right!?

Boun : Do you think You can hide this from the public? Then how long?

Sophia sighed with a disappointed face..So Boun smiled and slowly sat beside her..

Boun : What?

Sophia : You will marry Me right ?

Boun : (( Smiles )) Don't you believe me ?

Sophia : It's Not that.. We should marry before our baby is born.. Or else the people--

Boun : Let them talk hon !

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now