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Prem shocked when he heard that then quickly walked to a corner window then make it wide opened then looked at the hall where he he has a perfect sight to that side.. Then he saw an middle aged woman sitting on the couch and  Prem's every relatives spreading around her with a wide smile on their all face..

Prem :  Shit !

Suddenly Boun stood right behind him with completely leaning on to Prem then looked at the same direction.....

Boun : Wow! You have a perfect view  from here.. Right?

Prem shocked by his closeness and felt irritated the he quickly knocked  on his belly with his  elbow to make him move from him...

Boun : Ughh!!!! God!!

Boun quickly moved from him with holding his belly tightly with his hands where he feeling hurt Prem looked at him with extreme serious face...

Prem : What are you doing??

Boun : I'm asking the same ! What were you thinking you are doing?? That hurt!

Prem : Why you coming closer to me  ?

Boun : I was Just checking that, what were you looking at !

Prem : Like this?

Boun : (( Sighs)) You Know, I'm very allergic to the pain...If it wasn't you , Then this won't be my reaction if i got hurt...So Mind it and this is your last and final warning !

Prem : Really?? Then try me..

Boun : (( Sighs)) Don't provoke!! If i do something, then your skin will be sealed on that wall and you will need someone's help to peel off you  from it !

Prem shocked and looked at him UH shaped mouth when he heard that and saw Boun looking at him with a sharp look...But suddenly Boun smiled at him again...

Boun : Kidding...

Prem : Ughh!! You are seriously like.. like.. like a ..... C... Caterpillar!!

Boun : (( Chuckled)) WHAT???
You compared me with a  caterpillar??

Prem : Yes!! It's look like beautiful worms and covered in small hairs..but if it contact with human skin, they can cause pain, itching, burning, swelling, and BLISTERING !!

Boun : (( Chuckled)) whoa!! But if you can care  it well , then  it will become a good and Pet butterfly that flies around you at every corner and  It will makes you happy and smile every time !

Prem : I'm talking about the worst one!!

Boun : (( Smiles)) I think the worst and poisonous one will change If you ready accept it!!

Prem : Ughh!! Are you really an FBI Officer?? Because sometimes you are acting like a complete FLIRT!

Boun : An FBI Officer can't flirt? It's in the movies only the FBI Officers are serious and Gentlemen... But in reality, Most of them are like me..

Prem : GREAT! That's why our society still facing Crimes!!!

Boun : Okay why we are talking about these all?? We can  talk about our future right!?


Boun : Heyy shush!! Don't loud!

Prem : I WILL!!!

Boun looked at him with extreme serious face when he heard that..But he smiled again at him ..

Boun : kid listen.. My Mom is an heart patient and she doesn't like to hear to loud noises.. so You sh---

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now