The Promises 🔞

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Will you Marry Me Babyb--

Prem : Jhon Wait!!!!

John : Ugh?

Prem : Are you going to propose me?

John : (( Sighs))  kneeling down infront of you with holding a  ring, and you still didn't understand what I'm going to do ??

Prem : John No!!! What's these all?  Didn't we decide not to do these all  for five years?

John immediately sighed with annoyed face then quickly stood on the floor then looked at Prem with a sad face...So Prem slowly walked to him then  hugged him tightly with looking up to his face..

Prem : What happened to you Booboo? Why you being like this Now? Didn't we want a life without any commitments? And you agreed and Said okay..Now what happened?

John : (( Sighs)) At that time You were a 17 year old child.. Not matured enough for all of these !!

Prem shocked and looked at his face with a smirk when he heard that..

Prem : Oh! So You do  remember that i was a child at that time..? So who took my virg*nity those days without considering that I'm only a  child!? 

John : I Said Sorry for 100 times for that and why you still taking out that Matter again Prem?

Prem : I'm not the one who took that out.. It's you Man! And If Any police knew about this, You'll be on jail.. Remember?

John : FINE!! Then go and tell them that I had s*x with you when you were a minor even without considering that you are a pure Vi*gin!! Go!! Go on!

Prem chuckled and looked down when he heard that.. so John quickly walked to the couch then sat on it with putting the Ring box on the table with a serious face.. Prem looked at  him with a smile then sighed with rolling his eyes.. then he slowly walked to John then quickly sat on his lap... So John took him and make him sat on the caouch..

Prem : Oww My back !! Slowly!!

Prem looked at him with a pouty face then saw John sitting with a very serious face..

Prem : Joh--

John : Prem I'm sorry okay.. I'm really so sorry... At that time, I... you know I lose My control and it was an  accident.. I couldn't stop myself from doing that.. because you were provoking me with your eyes and that's why its all  happened.. I'm still feeling guilty when i remember your tears .. but what do!! It's all happened!! Sorry is the only word i can say right now.. I'm sorry!!

Prem looked at John with a smile when John being so emotional..

Prem : Why you being so sad and emotional ?

John : Because You said it again what we solved!! That hurt!

Prem : (( Smiles)) Is that the reason why you being like this  Or because of
"I denied your proposal "?

John looked at him then looked away without replying anything... So Prem smiled and quickly leaned his head on John's shoulder..

Prem : Booboo!!

John : Mm?

Prem : We both decided we will enjoy our life like this right? And you Agreed when i Said i don't wanna getting married till we both settled financially...Why we have to take somuch responsibilities from our younger age ugh? We can live as a free birds right ?

John : (( Sighs)) What do you mean by the responsibility!?

Prem : Um...Responsibility Means, If we get Married, You Will put many Rules over me... You will Insist Me to stay here, I should started to begging at you to get the permission go to my home every weekends which i don't like to do,  And If you Said No, Then will fight obviously and You are gonna say that You have the Perfect RIGHTS! Right?

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