The First time effect

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The Same Night...

Everyone left the place after all the birthday party done.. so at Night, Prem sitting with his uncle and aunt around the dining table and having their Dinner without any talk... Prem's uncle looked at Pretty who sitting on a corner chair and talking with Alex on the phone..So He looked at his wife who calmly eating her dinner..

Uncle : Tell her to cut down her phone usage.. look How much time she's spending with her phone.. Doens't she wanna her diner too!?

Aunt smiled when she heard that then looked at pretty then looked back at her Husband...

Aunt : Alex has free time Now.. That's why she's talking with him...

Uncle : I'm Just saying..Okay whatever it is.. Today's kids never gonna listen..

Prem's uncle sighed and looked at Prem who sitting without saying anything or even a glare...and He saw Prem not eating his food at all, and Instead he is playing with his food...

Uncle : Prem !?

Prem : Mm ?

Uncle : Why don't you eating Your food!?

Prem : Um.. Can I go to My room ?

Uncle : Why ?

Prem : Having headache and sleepy too..

Uncle : You didn't had anything Yet..Look at your plate...

Prem : It's okay.. I'm not Hungry...

Prem's auntma touched on his forehead with worried face when she heard that then looked at him....

Auntma : Do you want something else Prem ?

Prem : No ma.. Just wanna sleep...

Auntma : Okay Then go... Sleep well...

Prem nod his head as Yes then looked at uncle and Uncle nod his head as Okay.. so Prem Slowly got up and Tried to walk.. but suddenly,

Uncle : Um... Prem ?

Prem : Ugh?

Uncle : What's his name again !?

Prem swollowed his saliva when he heard that question and quickly understood who was he talking about...but he pretended that he didn't understood..

Uncle : Your friend name !?

Prem : Oh.. Um.. John...

Uncle : Is He your classmate or--

Prem : College mate..

Uncle : How do you know him?

Prem : Um... He is one of my friend's friend.. so I know..

Uncle : Oh.. okay !

Then uncle slowly started to eating his food.. so Prem quickly walked to his room as fast as he can to avoid more questions...Then After sometime, Prem sitting on the bed with watching a Movie on his phone with bored face... because it's been only hours, and he started to Missing John already and his mind disturbed with Boun's words too.. so He can't concentrate on the movie at all.. suddenly,

Can I Come in !?

Prem heard his Sister's voice.. so He looked at the side and saw Pretty looking at him with a smile..

Prem : Now you remembered me !? Where's your pet !?

Pretty : What !?

Prem : Your Phone.. That's your Pet Now right !?

Pretty smiled and slowly walked to him and lyed beisde him then hugged him tightly..

Prem : Eww!! What are you doing!?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.. Where stories live. Discover now