Jack Sparrow small fic - Part 2

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A fight had broken out in the bar, a disgraced commodore pointing a gun straight at jacks head as he hid behind a plant. The three recruited men tackled the commodore, his shot firing into the air, setting off a ruckus. Everyone was screaming and fighting, smashing glasses, tipping pints over people and running around like bad.

"We're going, love! You coming?"

You grabbed the bar towel in your hand and tossed it on the floor, running out the exit toward where Jack was going. He guided you and Gibbs out the back exit toward the outside. As you made the way to the docks, he grabbed your hand in his.

"Are you really coming?"

"Yes, of course I am. I want to come with you,"

"That's five souls for Jones," he grinned.

"Cross me off, you've only four."


The decking was soaked with water, but it didn't bother you so much, it was to be expected. The moon made the ocean glitter in a magical way under the light. This was the moment you'd been waiting for. Jack helped you up onto the decks.

"You can sleep in my quarters,"

"It's okay, I can sleep with the rest of the crew. Besides, I've got Elizabeth," you smiled, special treatment was the last thing you wanted.

Despite wanting to be with Jack more than you had been over the last few years, the opinions of the crew you'd be spending several days with was important. What would be the fun of getting special treatment? They'd dislike you for it, surely? There was no point in gambling, and no debate. You'd stay in one of the empty hammocks below deck.

"I'll invite her to come into my cabin," he flirtatiously suggested.

"Okay, I'll invite Will to come and sleep next to me," you smiled, turning to see Elizabeth arriving at the ship with the commodore.

"Will is aboard the Dutchman, love," he laughed, walking toward Elizabeth. "Ah! Hello young lad, have you come to join my crew?"

"Jack, it's me, Elizabeth Swann,"

"Elizabeth!" he gasped, walking toward her closer. She removed her hat, and smiled at him. "I must say, those clothes do not flatter you at all! It's either a dress or nothing. And I don't have a dress in my cabin, so it's going to have to be nothing."

"Come on, Elizabeth," you chuckled, grabbing her hand and bringing her aboard the pearl. "We need to go and find some hammocks."

Jack continued talking to the ex commodore drenched in own sick, dirt plastering his dishevelled wig and face. He looked disgusting.

"Just to think you were going to marry him!" you and Elizabeth laughed, going down the decks to see what was happening and the unpopulated beds. A lot of people were already asleep since it was night, but the majority were outside in Tortuga.


In the early hours of the morning, many people were still lulling around drinking, squealing into the night. One woman was smothering a drunk man in kisses, another man was running away from a woman as you exited the bow of the ship. To see the nightlife of Tortuga once more before setting off in the next few hours. Someone else started ascending the stairs. They made you jump, and you screamed in fight.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," he took a swig out of a bottle in his hand, you took it. "What are you doing?"

"You've had enough of that. I've watched you drink that stuff for days on end here, you'll rot your guts,"

"Isn't it the pirates life? Drinking rum, rotting your body with the stuff, never being sober,"

"No. It's about being free, James,"

"Freedom? That's subjective. You can be free physically but not mentally,"

"And are you free with alcohol? Does it make you feel free? Or are you trapping yourself?"

"I don't think I'm going to answer that question,"

"Well, have you seen Jack? I've been waiting for him to come back,"

"He'll be off drinking in some bar, Y/N. Where else did you think he was?"

"I was hoping we'd spend time together,"

"Why? When he wants to spend forever with you," he grabbed the bottle from your hand. "Love... it makes me sick now. I used to want to spend forever when I found out she loved someone else."

"Elizabeth you mean?"

"Of course I mean Elizabeth, who else would it be?"

"I didn't mean to—"

James cut you off. "It doesn't matter. You can't change the past."

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