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I close my eyes and breathe in the smell of fresh macarons as a wave of heat hits my face.
"Ah ma chéri" [my dear] my mother claps her hands together in delight, "they smell so beautiful" she gushes, crouching in front of the open oven with me.

"Thank you mama," I smile back at her "But no touching yet, they're still to hot" I point my finger at her as I put the hot tray down. My mother shakes her head sorrowfully "I carry you for nine months and push you out just for you to say I can't have your macarons?"

I roll my eyes at her only for her to gently smack my head "Don't roll your eyes at ta mére!" [your mother] She smiles at me and I resist the urge to roll my eyes again as I use a napkin to pick up one of the hot macarons and give it to her. She takes it and takes a small bite, only to immediately fan her mouth.

"See mama? They're too hot to eat now" I gently scold her. She shakes her head and takes another bite; "Absurdité!" [nonsense] she says, her hands flying into the air, "They are the best macarons I've ever tasted! Tout simplement mervilleux!" [simply wonderful]

"Thank you mama," I say, kissing her cheek "but that's what you say about everything I bake"

"That is because it is true, you have a gift ma chéri" she says warmly, returning my kiss on the cheek. "Now run up to your father, he wants to talk to you."

I raise an eyebrow at her, "What about?"

She shakes her head at me, "Alas I do not know; but when you know make sure you come down and then we'll gossip over your macarons" she says with a wink. I laugh at her idea, "Oui mama" I say, as I turn to make my way upstairs to my father's office


I knock on the door of my father's office, "Entrer" he says, his thick accent barely making it through the door.
I enter and sit myself on the chair opposite his desk. "What is it you want Father?" I ask. He looks up from his laptop at me and smiles warmly. "Ah ma jolie fille" [my beautiful daughter] he says. "I want you to start coming into the office with me, accompany me with my work, get used to how things are done."

I blink in disbelief at him. "You want me to go to work with you?" I say, dumbfounded. He nods his head at me, "Oui"

"Why? So I'll know what to do when I take over from you?" I ask.

He chuckles at me, "Non Adelyn, we both know that is a mans job. It is simply so you become familiar with our allies. I'm currently in negotiations with the Italians to build a friendship and I wouldn't be surprised if a marriage is suggested." He looks at me with a warning stare, as if daring me to challenge his decision.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "What?" is all I manage to say, my mouth suddenly dry, "You're giving me away to some random man to marry?"

Father shakes his head and chuckles again, "They are not random men chére, and whatever is best for our mafia we will do. But nothing has happened yet and that is why I am bringing you to work tomorrow, you can be like my assistant."

"What you're going to parade me around like a show pony until some mass murderer decides he wants to marry me?" I say, not attempting to keep the disgust out of my voice.

"Watch your tone, and you've always known this was going to happen. This is your duty. Your role as my daughter."

"Do I not get a say in any of this? It's my life we're talking about" I say, trying not to scream at my father and rip all my hair out.

"As my daughter you are my responsibility until you are wed and you will do as I say and that is final. I won't hear anything else on the matter. You are free to leave." he motions towards the door and I stand up in disbelief. "And please wear something... nice tomorrow" he says with a sickly sweet smile on his face.

I feel tears threaten to fall as I rush out of his office and into my room, locking the door behind me. I pick up the nearest pillow and scream into it.

I lift my face from my pillow and see Duchess looking at me with her head slightly tilted. I reach out and scratch behind her ears. My beautiful ragdoll cat who I've had for just under a year now. I place my hands on her cheeks and gently pull her face closer to mine, "What are we going to do now Duchess?" I whisper. She places a soft paw on my arm and meows at me.

I sigh and pick her up and place her on my lap, running my hands through her soft fur. "I don't want to get married" I tell Duchess, who looks at me and meows again,

"I know! What the actual fuck? I'm too young to be married, I still need to travel the world and actually do shit with my life! I can't be tied down to some mafia connard." [asshole]

I hear a knock at the door and I stand up to open it. I feel the corners of my lips tilt up when I say the beaming face of my mother holding a plate of macarons.
"Can we gossip now?" she whispers loudly

I grab her wrist and pull her inside, making sure to the lock the door again so no one disturbs us.

She sits down on my bed and pats the spot next to her, "I can tell you're upset so come tell Mama what's wrong,"

I go and lie next to her, resting my head on her shoulder as I tell what Father told me.

"So now I might have to get married just to seal a deal," I say, stuffing a macaron in my mouth.

She hums, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she takes the macaron from my hand and eats it. "You know, your father told me about this but I thought he was joking. I don't like the idea of a forced marriage." she lets out a heavy sigh and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I don't want my little girl stuck in an unhappy, loveless marriage,"

"I don't want to either Mama," I whisper, looking up at her.

She lets out another sigh and hugs me close to her, "It will be ok, I won't let you be given off to some connard,"

"Promise? I think Father's got his mind set," I say in a small voice; making me feel like a little girl again.

"I promise ma chére," she says, kissing my forehead, "when you get married it will be to a good man."


Alright so that's the first chapter done. Not sure how I feel but I hope it wasn't too shitty


It'll be a few chapters until things start to heat up, we're just getting started, but that's kinda the point of a slow burn

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and have a good day/night depending on where you are!!

Abi <33

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