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I'm so tired.
I'm so fucking exhausted.
The last two days have been so draining and now I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of tears.

I spent the entirety of last night sitting outside looking at the sky and talking to Duchess and now my sleep depravity has caused me to be on the verge of tears all morning.

Now, standing in front of Luca's private jet about to say goodbye to my family my exhaustion is showing. To be fair I don't know when I'll see any of them again in person next, but my tired state definitely isn't helping.

Father hugs me before stepping back, he doesn't even seemed phased by this, I think that makes it worse.

Auntie Clarisse hugs me tight to her chest, "I love you ma niéce," she whispers, planting a kiss on each of my cheeks before smiling sadly at me, tears swelling in her eyes.

Mama makes her way to me, already crying. The sight of her so sad makes my heart break and I try to wipe away my tears before she sees them. She wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my shoulder. "I'm going to miss your cooking," she says with a small laugh. "I'm gonna miss cooking for you Mama," I laugh back, my voice breaking.

"I'm so proud of you mon chéri. I'm so unbelievably proud to be your Mama, you are so incredibly brave to be doing this," she whispers, pulling back and placing her soft hands on my shoulders.

I smile at her through tears and she kisses my forehead, "Je t'aime Adelyn," [I love you] she says softly, before walking back to Auntie Clarisse.

My gaze falls finally to Ophelia. I offer her a small smile as she runs up to me and hugs me tight. Her shoulders begin to shake as she cries into my neck, making me finally cry.

"I can't believe that asshole is taking you away from me," she says between sobs.

"I know I'm sorry," I laugh, also between sobs.

She sniffs and breaks the hug, holding my face with her hands. She kissed my nose before hugging me and whispering so that no one else can hear; "Je t'aime tellement Adelyn. Si les choses tournent mal, dites-le-moi et je serai là. Je promets. Dites-le moi et je serai là. Je promets que je ne laisserai plus les choses se détériorer pour toi, je serai avec toi à chaque étape du chemin. Tu es ma personne préférée dans ce monde entier et je ne te perds pas."
[I love you so much Adelyn. If things get bad again tell me and I'll be right there. I promise. Just tell me and I'll be there. I promise I won't let things get bad again for you, I'll be with you every step of the way. You are my favourite person in this whole world and I'm not losing you.]

"I love you too Ophelia," I whisper, afraid that if I say something beautiful back I'll start uncontrollably sobbing.

She smiles before hugging me one more time and going back to Mama and Auntie Clarisse, who wraps her arms around her daughter.

A wave of guilt crashes over me as I see my perfect little family standing, watching me with tear stained faces as I turn around and walk past Luca into the plane.

The door closes and Luca comes to sit down beside me. I pick up Duchess who's in the seat beside me and hug her closely to me.

I click on my seatbelt and close my eyes as the plane begins to take off.

After a few minutes the plane is in the air. I unbuckle my seatbelt and stand up.
I need to cry.

"There's a fold-out bed you can rest in," Luca finally speaks up, standing up and leading me to it.

We make our way to a little room with a mini fridge and a large couch. He pulls out the couch and forms the bed and gets me pillows and blankets from underneath. "I'll wake you up once we land, I'll just be out in the room across with Marco," he says, before making his way out and closing the door.

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