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I sigh and look at my watch, 1:17pm.

I've been in this meeting for 17 minutes and I'm already bored out of my mind. I should be paying attention since the meeting's about Anton, but it's shit that I know. We all fucking know.

"What are your thoughts Sir?" Tony, one of our most trusted guards asks me,

"We need to draw him out. We need to let him come to us, however long that takes, we can't go running to him and get caught in a trap," I say calmly.

Tony nods, "That's smart. Our main priority should be protecting your Mrs De Santis if you don't mind me saying Sir. She's what he's after, so we must ensure her safety," he looks at me for permission to continue and I give him a shirt nod. "It's also important to keep her safe as if he gets to her, he'll use your Mrs as a bargaining tool to get what he wants. And dare I say you'd give him the world if it meant your Mrs was returned?"

I clench my jaw and nod as calmly as I can, my brain screaming. If he got to her I'd burn the entire fucking world down.

"Eventually Anton will get impatient and try to make a move, and we'll be waiting," I say, "I want double security on all warehouses and safe houses, as well as double supervision on all known spots where Anton has been sighted." I order,

Tony nods, "That can be done within the hour,"

"Good. Meeting over then," I say, nodding to the table of men as they make their way out of my office; "Tony would you mind waiting a minute?" I ask, and he nods and stays seated.

Once the door's closed I turn to him, "I trust you the most out of all my men, so I'm asking you to be Adelyn's personal guard. So when I'm not with her you can. Obviously don't invade her personal space, just be with her so I can trust she's safe,"

If it were anyone else I'd order them to, but I know Tony enough to know he'd put his life down for any of us, and would gladly accept my request.

He smiles at me, his eyes squinting, "Of course sir. I'd be honoured to protect your Mrs,"

I can't help but love how he calls her 'my Mrs' and I shake his hand. "Much appreciated," I say, and he gives me a nod before walking out of my office too.

I sigh and lean back into my chair. My mind wanders to Adelyn. Without thinking I grab my phone and call her.

"What?" she asks,

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" I say sarcastically,

"Fuck off. What do you want?" she asks groggily,

"Why are you so grumpy?" I ask, not liking this new way of speaking from her,

"You just woke me up, that's why," she says bluntly,

I chuckle, "Well get ready because I'm going to take you out for lunch, or brunch for you, then you can come back to my office for the rest of the day," I tell her;

"Why?" she asks.

"So that I know you're safe," I say honestly.

I hear her sigh, "Fine,"

"Great, Tony will pick you up," I say, now in a good mood.

"Ok, see you soon then," she yawns,

"See you soon mi amour," I smile, as she hangs up the phone.  

I don't care if I seem paranoid or too clingy to her, it's better then me letting my guard down and her getting kidnapped by Anton. I'd go to any lengths to keep her safe, and if that means having her by my side 24/7, then so be it.

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