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I take my soufflés out of the oven and breathe in their delicious smell. I hear my phone ping and pick it up to see Lia's name.

I quickly open it, I haven't heard from her in a few days and I was honestly starting to get worried.

Lia <333

Lia <333: i think i'm gonna travel to greece for like a month. so if i don't see you in a while i hope you're doing well babe 💋

Me: Is that your way of saying you miss me?

Lia <333: no ofc not, i'm doing great

Me: Babe your pants are on fire

Lia <333: shut up. ofc i miss you, but that's nothing hot random greek men can't fix

Me: If you come to Italy I'm sure Carlos could fix the hole in you heart with some more of your "one time thing" sex

Lia <333: shut up. it was just a two time thing

Me: If you say so...

Lia <333: oh hush. please come visit soon tho

Me: I promise I'll gonna try to come to France ok?

Lia <333: i really miss you, maybe i can come back to italy with you for a while? or you stay in france?

Me: Ofc love, I'll talk to Luca about it

Lia <333: alr addy, talk to you soon then 💋

Me: Bye love 💋

I internally groan. This is her cry for help. She only ever travels when she's going through some shit and needs an escape from everyone and everything.

I've usually always been there for her to support her during shit like this and vice versa, but now that's going to be harder to do. She
promised me she'd be there for me if things got bad for me, and now I need to do the same for her.

I hear footsteps coming quickly into the kitchen and soon Luca appears.

"That smells fucking incredible," he groans, grabbing a spoon.

I smile at him as he gently pokes one with his spoon.

"I need to go to France for a few days," I blurt out, hoping he reacts well.

He puts some soufflé in his mouth and shakes his head, "No,"

"What?" I say absolutely dumbfounded by his response.

"I said no. I can't come with you because I have stuff to sort out here and you're not going alone," he says, his voice sterner this time.

I laugh at him, "I don't even know why I'm asking for permission. I'm going."

"No you're not. I won't let you," he says, his tone warning me not to continue with this matter.

"I moved countries for you and you won't even let me visit my home and my family?" I feel my anger rising, not even feeling bad that I'm somewhat manipulating him to get what I want.

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