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It's been 2 weeks since Luca revealed to me that he'd bought me the café of my dreams, and now it's finally my first day of business.

I look down at my outfit in the mirror and smile. I've decided that out uniform will be any black pants and any white top; I don't want to be a stingy boss so as long as my employees like what they're wearing and it's clean, I'm happy.

Her outfit:

I feel a pair of hands curl around my waist

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I feel a pair of hands curl around my waist. I let a smile take over my face as Luca rests his chin on my head and looks into the mirror at us. "My pretty girl," he murmurs, a smile playing at his lips.

I feel butterflies swarm my stomach when he calls me his pretty girl and I lean into his body.

Ever since our fight we've been getting closer, with me sleeping in his bed every night. He's also been acting even more gentleman-like of that was even possible, and I fear I might be falling for him. He's also been acting gentler, which I'm not complaining about. The daddy issues in me likes being babied by him.

"I'm so excited," I giggle like a little girl, "But also nervous," I suddenly gasp and turn around to face Luca, "What if no one comes? Or no one likes anything I have to offer? Or-"

I'm cut off by Luca placing a soft finger on my lips and closing my mouth; "Baby stop worrying, I promise it's going to go great," he reassures me.

Somehow his words comfort me and my worrying ceases.

"Ready to go mi amour?" he asks, winking at me as he holds his arm out for me.

I giggle as I take his arm, "Yes," I beam.

We make the quick 10 minute drive to my café and as we get out of the car my eyes fall to Carlos, sitting at the locked door of the pretty little shop. To my absolute horror I see he's smoking a cigarette. I let out a small scream and run up to him, snatching the cigarette out of his hands and stomping on it.

"Hey!" he says indignantly, "What the fuck?"

"Don't smoke those here," I snap, wiggling my finger at him.

He rolls his eyes, "Don't give me a lecture on how they're bad for me and gonna kill me blah blah blah,"

"I'm not. I just don't want my shop smelling like dirty smoke," I explain, narrowing my eyes at him.

Carlos puts his hands up in surrender, "God I'm sorry, I won't do it again," he tells me sincerely, winking at me as he stands up.

Luca gives him a gentle punch as I unlock the door.

With the assistance of Luca and Carlos I soon set up both the indoor and outdoor dining areas and make my way to the kitchen. I decided to get up at 5am so I'd have time to bake all of my main café items, and then my three staff are coming in at 9am for a 10am opening.

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