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Two weeks. Two fucking weeks I've been without Adelyn. Two goddamn weeks where she's been with Anton. I can't remember the last time I got a full night of sleep, I can't stop thinking about Adelyn, and what Anton could be doing with her.

I hear a forlorn meow and I turn my head to see Duchess curled up at the opposite end of my desk, looking at me in a way that just makes my heart heavier. She has no idea what's going on, all she's aware of is Adelyn's absence.

Val and I decided to have joint custody of Duchess, I have her for a week, then Val does. It was her idea, she wanted to have the cat all to herself but I decided it would be better off if I had her since I'm somewhat familiar to her. So we compromised and each get Duchess for a week at a time.

She meows again and I sigh, looking at the depressed ball of fluff. "What's wrong Duchess? You're not making this any easier for me," I tell the cat, as if she understands what I'm saying to her.

Duchess gets up and stalks over to me, settling herself down right in front of me, curling her tail around her paws. She looks at me dead in the eye, her mesmerising blue eyes staring into me. "I miss her too," I mumble, reaching out to stretch behind her ears.

I bring my hand back as soon as I hear the door to my office open and Carlos walks in, a confused look on his tired face when he sees Duchess on my desk. "I'm not even going to acknowledge that but, we do have some good updates on the whereabouts of Adelyn," he sighs, sitting down on my couch with a wince.

"You shouldn't be doing so much, you need time to heal," I tell the stupid man, who insists on continuing on with his work even though his injury is still not fully healed.

"Well if you hadn't have gone ballistic and got trapped by Anton, then we wouldn't be in this fucking situation would we? Now stop complaining about someone trying to help your dumb ass," he snaps, his tone making me hurt even more.

He's angry. And sad. Angry that he wasn't able to stop Ophelia from going back to France, sad because he doesn't know why she left.

"What's the update?" I ask, brushing over the lashing out of Carlos' last comment.

"Val managed to find the venue of Anton and Adelyn's wedding, and we spoke to the owners and they told us that Anton was talking about going to live in the Khamovniki District, since that's apparently where the richest people live and Anton wants to flaunt his wealth," he tells me, looking at me as if trying to read my thoughts.

"That's still an entire district, do we know exactly where about his estate will be?" I ask. I know I should be grateful for this small
boost, but I can't help but be annoyed by how long this whole process is taking.

"Oh I almost forgot," Carlos says in a nonchalant voice, "I managed to find Anton's brother, he's in the chambers downstairs right now,"

I look at my best friend and smirk, "How would you like to go pay him a visit?" I ask, standing up and adjusting the cuffs on my shirt.

Carlos smirks and stands up, gesturing towards the door, "After you, hermano,"


We walk downstairs to the dreary chambers downstairs, turning down the bleak corridors until he reach the room in which our most important prisoners stay.

The guards give me a polite nod as Carlos and I walk up to the metal door, and I punch in the code for it to open, the guards opening the door for me.

I walk into the room and see a ragged looking man slouched in the corner, chained to the wall like an animal. Upon our arrival he jerks awake and looks at us, his eyes wide with fear as he tries to move backwards, hitting the wall with a hiss of pain.

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