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I can't help but smile as I continue to listen to Adelyn talking away in the car. I don't even know what she's talking about at this point but she's obviously passionate about it and I could listen to her talk all day; so I smile and watch her through the rear view mirror intently. She turns to look at me and her smile slightly falters, "Are you even listening to me?" she asks, her mask somewhat falling. "Of course I'm listening tesoro, I could listen to you all day," I chuckle. She narrows her eyebrows at me but continues talking anyway.

She continues telling me all her big ideas for her café and I smile at how happy it's made her. We pull up into the driveway and I park the car, getting out to open Adelyn's door for her. She thanks me and slips her arm through mine.

I like being official now. I mean we were married but that didn't mean anything and now it does, which I'm happy about.

As Adelyn opens the door and we step inside an eerily quiet house greets us. I feel my stomach stir and Adelyn moves closer to me. "Something doesn't feel right," she whispers, and I nod, taking my gun out of my belt. A forlorn meow steals our attention away from the silent house, with Adelyn's head whipping around so fast I feel a slight wind hit my neck. A small gasp leaves her lips when Duchess comes trotting over to us, holding up a delicate paw. Adelyn rushes over to her as she assesses her paw, followed by a sigh of relief, "It's only a slightly broken claw, she'll be ok," she says happily, hugging the dramatic little shit to her. I hum in response and walk over to the two, standing over Adelyn as I look around the empty house, every instinct in my body screaming at me to get out. "Adelyn we need to get out of here," I saw quietly, "Something's not right,"

Adelyn opens her mouth to speak but is cut off by a gun shot going off. "Shit," I curse, handing my gun to Adelyn as I get out my second one. Adelyn immediately stands up and shoos Duchess into a corner, standing beside me with her gun pointed out. Another bullet comes flying from above, followed by a few more and we both duck as they go soaring over our heads. "We need to split up," Adelyn says desperately, starting to run off to the direction of the first bullet. "No," I grit, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to me, "I'm not fucking leaving you Adelyn,"

I push Adelyn behind me as another bullet comes at us, this time only narrowly missing my arm, "Luca I'll be fine, besides, there's no way we can beat them if we're stuck with each other the entire time," she reasons and I reluctantly nod as she runs off into the corridor. I load by gun and send out a blind shot to the direction of the bullets coming from above. Warning them that I know where they are. I hear a muffled curse and smirk as I realise I shot one of them.

Without even looking.

I run up the stairs to where the bullets were showering from and search each room until I reach my office, the door slightly ajar. I kick open the door and almost immediately my gun is knocked out of my hand, a swift punch to the gut leaving me gasping for air. "Motherfucker," I grit, sending a strong punch to the face of the man who hit me. He falls to the ground and goes to get back up but I kick him back down and use his gun to shoot him in the head. I turn around to find another man winding up to punch me but I catch his fist mid-air and twist his wrist until I hear a crack, shooting him in between his eyes as he falls to the ground. I scan the room and see no other men hiding but I'm quickly distracted by Adelyn calling my name.

I immediately run back downstairs to her anxious voice and as I catch up to her my eyes fall to the absolute bloodbath before me.

There's six men dead on the ground, and one of my guards shot dead with a single bullet hole wound, slouched in a chair, obviously staged. My eyebrows furrow when I see a note pinned to his chest, stabbed through with a knife. I feel my blood boil as I read what it says, 'You can run all you like my little deer, but in the end the hunter always catches his prey.'

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