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"Hey fuckers," Carlos grins, swinging the front door of his mansion open, gesturing for us to come in. I roll my eyes as me and Adelyn walk inside, resisting the urge to punch my best friend as he drags Adelyn into a bear hug. "Come on Lukie, you know you want one too," he winks at me, dramatically throwing his arms around me as he pulls me into an insufferable hug.

"I'm so glad you guys decided to join me in my lonely little house, I was honestly getting bored all on my lonesome," Carlos sighs in his melodramatic way, leading us up his grand staircase into a guest bedroom. "You two can stay here, there's a bathroom attached so Lukie doesn't stink the place out," he grins at me, his gaze flickering between Adelyn and I. "But," he says sternly, waving his finger at us like children, "I don't want to hear you two getting up to ungodly things,"

I look down at Adelyn who's now red and I laugh, "Don't take your jealousy out on us fratello,"

Carlos chuckles and pats my shoulder, "Never hermano,"

"Well I need a shower so I'll leave you two to bicker on your own," Adelyn finally breaks her silence, walking into our room, "I'll join you tesoro," I wink at her, causing Carlos to grimace. "I'm going on a ride then," he announces, walking down stairs as he whistles to himself.

I shake my head at his strange antics before following Adelyn into our room, locking the door behind me as Adelyn smiles at me. I walk over to her and she reaches up to kiss me, her hands beginning to unbutton my shirt. I chuckle against her lips as I pick her up and take her into the ensuite, shrugging my shirt off as she takes off hers, her bra and skirt soon joining the pile of clothes in the floor. She steps out of her underwear and starts the shower, as I step out of my pants and slide my boxers off, joining her under the hot water.

My hands slide down to her ass as her lips smash on to mine, her hands going to the sides of my face as she deepens the kiss. I kiss her back as she groans, our lips moving in perfect unison. I gently squeeze her ass, earning a whimper from her as my tongue sweeps the inside of her mouth. I break the kiss as my lips find their way to the base of her neck, Adelyn tilting her head to give me more access as a small sigh escapes her lips. I start sucking on the base of her neck and she moans into my ear as my lips work her sweet spot. "Ssh baby, you don't want people hearing," I murmur, my hands sliding down to just above her pussy. She bites onto my shoulder as I slide my fingers along her wet entrance, flicking my fingers along her slit as she continues to make pretty whimpers. I push two fingers inside of her and I'm rewarded by a low moan coming out of her mouth right against my ear, and I use my spare hand to pick her up by her ass and hold her against the shower wall, my mouth still sucking on her neck as my fingers curl inside of her.

I smirk against her soft skin as she moans my name, and I reward her as I pinch her clit, my fingers pumping in and out of her. "Good girl," I praise her, "Moan my name, just like that," I instruct her, loving the way she says my name. I slow my pace down and slide my fingers down her entrance again as I sense she's reaching her climax, teasing her as she continues to whimper my name, my dick hardening with each sound that leaves her pretty little lips. "Fucking hell Luca," she grits, her eyes glaring at me as I continue to tease her, "Tell me what you want Adelyn," I whisper, leaving a kiss just below her earlobe. "I want you to let me cum," she hisses, visibly annoyed at me.

I hum in response and set her down before going down on my knees, my breath hitting her dripping cunt as I place one of her thighs over my shoulder. I gently push my tongue into her as her hands grip at my hair, pushing me further into her. My eyes roll back as I taste her sweet pussy and my groans send vibrations through her entire body. I work her pussy with my tongue, biting down on her swollen clit as my tongue laps up all of her, every bit of her as she groans with pleasure. I sense she's close again and I push a finger inside of her, my fingers joining my tongue as I fuck my wife how she wants me to. I pinch her clit with my fingers as I slide my tongue along her entrance. "Luca-" she groans, "I'm gonna cum," she whispers, her grip on my hair tightening as she clenches around me.

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