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"I do like those a lot," Lia muses, her gaze focused on a photographed bouquet, "They're very elegant,"

"They suit you a lot," Val adds, sorting through the booklet at the florist.

I hum in response, admiring the hundreds of flowers before me, trying to picture each one with my dress.

It's been a week since the argument between Luca and my Father. We flew back to Italy the day after since we decided to have the wedding here this time and I've been planning for it ever since. It's tomorrow and of course I left choosing my bouquet until the day before.

"Who's walking you down the aisle now?" Lia suddenly asks, catching me off guard. I look up at her and she frowns, "Sorry I just assumed that your Father wouldn't be at the wedding," she says hastily.

"Oh right, Mama's walking me down the aisle," I smile, pushing down any guilt which has threatened to come up.

"That's so cute," Val squeals. I laugh and pick up a flower I was looking at, "I think she'd like that," I muse, admiring the dainty flower in my hand.

"I think you should get a bouquet of those," Lia whispers, admiring the bunch before me. "I agree, they're very you," Val nods, her big sister voice coming out, as Luca would say.

I nod, taking note of the type of flower and going up to the lady at the front desk. "Have you picked what flowers you'd like dear?" she asks, a motherly smile covering her face. I nod and flick through the open book until I land on the page I'm after.

"I'll take a bouquet of the pink Azaleas, and two bouquets of the white ones please," I tell the woman, who gasps in delight. "Ah so pretty," she claps her hands, "My favourite type of flower, and such a pretty name," she winks at me. I laugh and can't help but smile at her suggestion. I've never thought of Azalea as a name but it is quite pretty.

"Perfect choice," Lia smiles, wrapping her arms around me as she rests her chin on my shoulder.

"Now we just need to pick out the flower arrangement for you and Carlos' wedding," Val winks at Lia, a wicked smile on her face as Lia goes red.

"Fuck off," she grins, "That ship sailed a long time ago," she sighs, almost wistfully as if she's sad about it.

"You never know, you two will both be at the wedding," I suggest, desperately wanting them to get together.

Our dream as little girls was to marry brothers or best friends so we could all go on family holidays together and raise our children as best friends, and our mutual dream could be reached. Could. It could be reached. If Lia and Carlos would work things out, but the chances of that is slim. They're both too scared. And everyone knows it.

Val laughs, "I know hunny, I'm just teasing," she gives Lia a kiss on the cheek as the woman notes down out our order.

"I'll get those sorted for you dear, your flowers will be at your venue at twelve o'clock," she smiles at us, her eyes twinkling.

"Thank you so much," I gush, paying for the flowers before we all thank her profusely and wave to her as we exit the cute little shop.

"Having an afternoon wedding is such a good idea," Val says excitedly, "Because then at the reception it'll be sunset and you can get the most beautiful photos,"

"That's exactly why we're doing it," I laugh, excitement creeping into me.

"One last girls day?" Lia suggests, her lips turning into a sly smile as she looks at us.



"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Lia giggles, clutching the steering wheel as she precariously holds herself up with one leg.

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