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3 days. 3 fucking days Adelyn's been gone. 3 fucking days without her and I feel like I'm losing my mind. It feels like Anton's torturing me and he definitely knows it.

I hear a knock at my office door and I turn my tired head to face whoever it is. My gaze softens when I see Ophelia walk into my office, followed by Carlos, Fleur and Clarisse. It's clear that all three of Adelyn's relatives have been crying and their eyes are red and tired.

I get up out of my seat and go over to greet them, and I'm taken aback when Fleur wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. I hug her back as she clings tightly onto me. "It's not your fault mon fils" [my son] she whispers, breaking the hug. She cups my face with her hands and gives me a motherly smile, "I know you will find my Adelyn,"

"I promise you I will find her," I whisper, her trust in me giving me reassurance. She gives me a sad smile and kisses my cheek, "I know,"

I watch her with a small smile as she makes her way to my couch and wearily sits down. Clarisse sits down beside her and Ophelia leans against the couch, her emotionless eyes boring it me. I hear Carlos sigh as he walks over next to her and places a gentle kiss on her forehead, she leans her head on his chest and closes her eyes.

Since when did they go from fuck-buddies to all lovey-dovey?

"Ophelia I'm sorry," I whisper, no knowing what to do to make this better. She simply shakes her head, "I shouldn't have blamed you, it's not your fault," she says quietly, she looks up at me with tired eyes, "I'm sorry,"

I shake my head, "Forget it." Ophelia gives me a small smile before looking back at the ground, the emotionless look returning to her face.

"Did André make the trip too?" I ask, confused as of why he's not here. Fleur shakes her head, "He said he had business to attend to," she says bitterly,
"Business more important than getting his kidnapped daughter back?" I say astounded, not bothering to keep the disgust out of my voice. Fleur looks at me with sorrowful eyes, "He says it's all part of being a Mafia wife, and he trusts you'll either get her back or make a deal,"

"Make a deal?" Carlos suddenly asks, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"As in you'll make a deal with Anton which benefits both Luca and André without going through all the trouble of getting Adelyn back," Ophelia breaks her silence, her voice full of bitterness and rage.

I feel a wave of anger crash over me at the thought of André not even caring what happens to Adelyn, "I'm not out for making deals when it comes to my wife, I will be getting her back," I say coldly, "Carlos will take you back to the house now," I nod at the three women before walking out of my office and getting into the elevator. I decide to ring Val, she's the only person who's actually doing anything productive to find Adelyn. She's been tracking the car used by the men via security cameras in the area and their registration plate number.

"What?" she answers, obviously annoyed I've disrupted her, "I'm coming over, I want to see the process you've made," I tell her.

I hear her sigh, "Ok baby brother, but just because you're going through a heart break,"
"Fuck off," I grumble, hanging up on her.
The elevator doors open and I walk out, quickly making my way to my car. I get in the start the short drive to Val's penthouse. It's where she always goes when she's on a case, and me, Marco, and Carlos are the only ones who know about it. I park in her underground carpark and make my way to her floor, using my key to get in.
I smile when I see her lying across her kitchen table in front of her laptop, looking at it with a concentrated look on her face. "They're still in Italy," she says without looking up, "I hacked into all the airports here and none have footage of Adelyn or any members of the Russian Mafia,"
"Makes it easier for us then," I sigh, sitting down on a chair. "Too bad her phone was left in the café, otherwise we could've just tracked it to her location," she mutters. I hum in agreement.

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