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TW: this chapter goes fully into Adelyn's mental health and mentions suicide attempts, sh and depressive thoughts

"DUCHESS!" I squeal, half running half hobbling towards the ball of fluff pelting towards me. She jumps into my arms and I swing her around, hugging her to my face as her body erupts in purrs. I giggle and breathe in her familiar scent, suddenly feeling at home again.

I hear Luca chuckle behind me, placing a kiss on my cheek as he puts our bags down on his bed. I look up and see Lia's shining eyes smiling at me, looking at me from across the hallway, she lets out a sob and runs up to me, wrapping her arms around me as she buries her face into the crook of my neck. I hug her back, Duchess indignantly squeezing out of our grip. "You're in Italy," I whisper, squeezing her tight to me. "You were kidnapped silly, I would fly to anywhere in the world to see you safe again," she whispers back, her tears tickling my shoulder. I don't manage to get any words out as I just hug her tighter.

"Mom and Auntie Fleur are here too," she tells me, not breaking the hug. "What about Father?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Lia breaks the hug and gives me a sad smile, "He stayed in France, he sends his love though,"

I nod, my stomach churning at the thought of my own father not being worried enough about his kidnapped daughter to fly to Italy with the rest of his family. I give Lia a weak smile, my insides going numb as my mind travels back to the other times years ago when he ignored me in distress.

"Adelyn," I hear Mama's comforting voice, her tone soft as I'm met with her ever so gentle smile. "Mama," I whisper, as she wraps me in her motherly embrace, holding me close to her as she combs her fingers through my hair.

We stand there for a few minutes, in each others arms for the first time in over a month, each basking in the others love. She kisses my temple before breaking the kiss, "Ma chéri, your Father wants us to be catching a plane tonight back to France, but we will visit you again soon," she tells me, sadness in her gentle eyes as she speaks of Father's wishes.

"But you just got here," I say in a small voice, like a little girl lost and separated from her parents. Mama tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and gives me a sympathetic look, "I know ma chéri, but it is your Fathers' wishes, it is to keep us safe," she explains, and I know it kills her to defend Father when she would much rather take my side.

I simply nod and walk back to Luca, leaning into him as if he's my only comfort, all eyes are on me as all energy leaves my body.

I don't want them to leave.

"I'm going to go have a bath," I say quietly, too sad to say goodbye so soon again as I turn around and walk into Luca's ensuite.

I don't bother locking the door as I strip out of my clothes and run myself a hot bath. I feel tired tears threaten to spill out of my eyes as I look at myself in the mirror.

"Why would you do those disgusting things to yourself? You've damaged yourself for good now," my Fathers disgusted voice rings in my ears.

"No one's going to want you with all those ugly marks. You're lucky you can cover them up, otherwise no man would ever want to marry you. Think of how devastating that could be for my business,"

Tears begin to run down my cheeks as his words deafen me.

"They're hideous. I'm appalled at you Adelyn. How could you do that? Does everyone not already give you enough attention?"

A sob escapes my lips and I hurriedly step into the bath, the hot water scorching my delicate skin. I sink into the water, gasping for breath as sobs still threaten to escape my lips, my breathing becoming more rapid.

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