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1 Month Later

My body jerks awake from whatever unconscious state it was in when I hear the sound of footsteps running in the hall. The noise of my doorknob rattling make my shoulders shake as tired tears fall down my cheeks, crying for the millionth time in the last month.

He's coming in again. He usually only comes in 3 or 4 times a week, more times than not he's drunk, and it's the same every time. He takes his anger out on me, using me as his personal boxing bag, touching me and hurting me how he pleases. My body has permanent bruises on it, Anton always creating more before the old ones can heal, leaving a constant reminder of what he's done to me. I've stopped trying to fight him off, it always just makes him angrier and in the end it always ends the same, only the beating will be more severe.

Each time he ensures to remind me that this is my fault, that it's my fault Luca left me, and he's not coming back, and the sad thing is that I believe him. I've grown to hate Luca, with each time Anton hits me being a reminder that no physical pain will ever amount to the emotional and mental torture Luca put me through. His cruel lies replaying in my head each time a hand is lain on me. I hate him. I hate Luca. I hate him for what he put me through, making me think that he cares about me only to give me to Anton. I hate him.

The doorknob is rattled harder, causing my cries to come out louder, my body too weak to stop them. He must be really drunk tonight if he's struggling so much to open the door. The sound of a gunshot makes me flinch, the door swinging open, "Please Anton," I sob, "Not tonight," I beg, knowing that it's no use, my pleas always fall upon deaf ears.

"Oh baby,"

The voice makes me freeze, makes me cry harder as the light is flicked on, him standing in the doorway, the perfect picture of chaos unfolding behind him in the hallway.

I stumble out of my bed and back away from him, "Go away," I cry, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Adelyn it's me, not him," Luca says softly as he walks towards me, only causing me to back away until my back hits a wall. "Stop it," I gasp, "Go away," I cry again, my head shaking more vigorously as he continues coming closer to me. "Adelyn let me explain," he pleads, his hands coming out to hold my face. I flinch away from him, imagining his hands as Anton's. "This is your fault," I sob, almost yelling at him as I break down in front of him, "You gave me away to him, you fucking left Luca. You promised me you would never leave and you did!" I scream at him, my entire body shaking as my shock and sadness come out as pure anger.

I'm so exhausted.

"Adelyn let me help you," he whispers, flinching away at my words.

"Why are you even here?" I ask, too tired to stop the tears from falling down my face. Luca's eyebrows furrow at my question, "Adelyn I was always going to come get you, it was just a matter of time," he says quietly, his voice concerned.

"But Anton said you left me, he said you left me for a girl who hadn't marked herself like me," I say, sounding like a confused child as I tilt my head at him.

"No baby, I never wanted to leave you, don't listen to anything that fucker has to say. I think you're beautiful, with and without out your scars, remember?" he says gently, speaking to me like I'm a child who needs reassurance.
But I suppose I am in some ways.

I just stand there, looking at him in confusion. I'm so lost. Anton told me that Luca wanted to leave me, that he thought I was ugly with my scars, annoying with my need for reassurance, but Luca's here. Reassuring me like he has time and time again.

"You're my pretty girl remember?" Luca smiles at me, his hands coming up to cup my cheeks. This time my body doesn't flinch away, as if it remembers Luca's gentle touch.

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