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"I'm not going anywhere Adelyn," I say softly, leaning down to kiss her, "You and me forever," I whisper, our pinkies interlocked. She nods and kisses me back, "Be back soon," she smiles, and I nod, "I promise," I chuckle, liking this new need for my affection which has taken over my wife.

I say goodbye to Val before walking out of the hospital. I get out the doctors phone, whose password I changed to something I know, and get Anton's location back, my heart leaping as I see him only 40 minutes away.

I get into my car and put his location onto google maps, beginning the drive to his wretched house. I know Val is right, I shouldn't be going alone, but after everything that happened with Carlos, and everything that Val said about Adelyn, I need to kill the son of a bitch for once and for all. My knuckles turn white as I grip the steering wheel tighter, the thought of Anton's hands on Adelyn again sending a fresh wave of anger over my body. The fear in her eyes and her body when those words left Val's mouth was enough for me to decide to finish Anton now, I promised Adelyn I'd always protect her, and now I'm following through on that promise.

The only way Adelyn can truly live in safety and peace is if I know Anton is dead, buried six feet under where I know he can't hurt her anymore. Can't haunt her with his pathetic little hunting game he loves teasing her with. The way Anton calls Adelyn his little deer makes me sick to my stomach, the way he refers to her as nothing more than a piece of meat to hunt disgusts me beyond words, the way he views her as his. Adelyn De Santis is mine, all fucking mine. Not Anton's, and I'll go to any lengths to ensure he knows that. Knows that no one fucks with my wife.

I stop at a red light and my eyes fall to my phone, seeing Adelyn's name light up the screen.

Adelyn ❤️

Adelyn ❤️: Don't answer bc ur driving, but Carlos woke up and we're going to a nearby hotel, I'll send you the location and after your business you can join us

Adelyn ❤️: Stay safe xx

I can't help but smile, the way she shows her concern for me but still trusts me in what I do is something I will never be able to fully comprehend my appreciation for. I choose to listen to her and not respond, as the light goes green and I continue on my way.


I slow the car down as google maps indicates that I've arrived, and I'm surprised to see it's a rather plain house, no guarding fence around it like most Mafia houses, but still quite desolate from any neighbours. I turn the car around and park it further up the road, then get out and go to my trunk. I get out my duffel bag for situations like this, and change into black jeans and a black t-shirt, loading my person with as many guns as I can hide.

I lock my car and start walking towards Anton's house, once I reach the front of the property I scan the area, no guards, so I continue walking up to the front door.

This is too fucking easy.

I put a silencer on my gun and shoot the lock, the door swinging open from impact, I quickly catch the door before it can make a sound as it nearly crashes into the wall.

Two guards on the inside immediately see me but I shoot them both before they can realise what's going on. I check the doctors phone again for Anton's location and start going down corridors in an attempt to find him, swiftly killing any guards who see me. I go down yet another corridor and am met with seven guards. I internally groan and shoot three of them, my gun running out of bullets.

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