01. arrival in qatar

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01. arrival in qatar

arriving in qatar was the most surreal feeling. I had arrived in the same area the national team had but was on a different flight because I was coming straight from england.

i was excited to see my brother and jorge who i had gotten the chance to see again when he joined ajax. i was also excited to see the rest of the team and also see some of the friends i had made when i worked with the national team for the olympics. as i waited patiently for the boys to arrive i sent some messages to those i had promised i would message.

PowerPuff Girls

blossom 🌸: grace alvarez
bubbles 🫧: jude bellingham
buttercup 🍀: gio reyna

blossom 🌸
hola amigos I have landed in qatar
ly <3

bubbles 🫧
mate I arrived three days ago

buttercup 🍀
i've been here for eight days already lol
i'm glad you landed safe and sound
bad news is i might be leaving...

Before responding to Giovanni and Jude I had called my parents and Cezar to let them know that I had landed and was awaiting the arrival of the team. After that I found myself going to text my other lot of friends to let them know tat I was in qatar and that I was safe.

The Things
thing 3: grace alvarez
thing 2: mason mount
thing 1: ben chilwell

thing 3
hey guys just letting you know I landed
Waiting on the team rn

thing 1
that's great glad you got in safe grace

thing 2
yeah what ben said

gabriel 👧: grace alvarez
brandon👦: brendon aaronson

gabriel 👧
hey brendon I got here safe and sound

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