09. falling out

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09. falling out

graciela was very happy and everyone could tell. no one other than kevin alvarez knew but they enjoyed seeing her smile so wide. to kevin it was a bit creepy because she wouldn't stop smiling.

it freaked kevin out so much that he had to know why her smile never left. so on their way to the training grounds, the two sat together on the bus and kevin had her tell him all about her night.

he was extremely happy for the girl. to see her smile made his heart so warm. graciela alvarez was one of the greatest people to walk this planet. she always had a way of making the worst things better.

she was the sun when it poured rain. she was too good for this world. the kindest human ever.

so kevin rejoiced in the bright smile she had.

that entire practice the girl worked with the brightest smile.

she cracked jokes with players. had her usual banter with the pachuca players. passed with the players that were off to the side and even had time to hug her brother every chance she got.

and it didn't go to notice that the girl kept a close eye on her phone. kevin noticed that every time the phone buzzed she was quick to pick it up.

he didn't want to assume what was happening, after all, she was always cheerful and smiling when she got a message from her best friends.

"kevin, ¿me escuchaste? sabía que no me estabas poniendo atención kevin, did you hear me? I knew you weren't paying attention to me" the young alvarez told the boy who was now sitting next to her on the bus. the team had finished training and were now on their way back to camp.

graciela had been asking kevin what she thought about her seeing pedri and kevin hadn't been paying attention to the girl. so quickly that the girl repeated her words to him.

before kevin could answer luis chavez had popped into the conversation to answer her question.

"creo que sería mejor que kevin. I think he would be better than kevin." luis chavez told graciela with a laugh.

"pero yo y kevin somos solo amigos luis. no nos gustamos así but me and kevin are just friends luis. we don't like each other like that" the young alvarez responded to luis very confused.

the banter between the three continued like this. all the while a young player sat in the back conversing with her older brother. who didn't seem to be quite fond of her running around at late hours of the night?

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