05. mexico vs. poland

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05.  mexico vs. poland

the entire night graciela was awaken because of the stress she was feeling on the inside. she had faith that they could go far but also knew that the team was very limited on what it could do.

graciela doubted the coach and his intentions. she doubted that she could cheer the players up in the chance that poland were to beat them. she feared a lot.

after the few days of constant worry with injuries she had no clue what to do. the girl had waken herself at two in the morning and could do nothing but workout. it was something she found herself doing a lot.

she wanted to call her best friends but how could she when they were all prepping for a world cup game.

jude was constantly worrying that he wouldn't be able to perform. while mason tossed and turned in his bed out of fear that he wouldn't be able to meet the expectations set for him.

on the states side of things brendon worried that he wasn't doing enough. worried that he wasn't making his family and his country proud. giovanni reyna worried that he would never get the chance to show how good he could be. he allowed all the pressure to rile up inside of him.

the german boy thought that he wouldn't be able to meet expectations at the international level. kai had been having trouble at his club however could he do it in the international level.

the entire group of friends were struggling and all needed each others help but couldn't find it in themselves to reach out to each other. so instead they called family.

kai called his girlfriend and voiced his worries to her. while gio reyna spoke to his parents in hopes of finding comforting words. jude bellingham called jobe bellingham whom told him that no matter how he played, he would always be proud of what he had done. brendon did the same; he called his girlfriend but also his brother who also understood what he was feeling. mason chose to voice his worries to his sister who he was very close to, finding comfort in her words.

while graciela laid on the floor doing crunches listening to reggaetón and trying her best to calm her worries down. it didn't work and she didn't know what to do. she could call ben chilwell but she knew that he was most likely busy celebrating the win that england had just had with his other friends.

she couldn't voice her worries to her family because she didn't want to worry them. she stared at her contacts for a long while before she dialed and continued her crunches.

as the phone rang she silently pleaded that the person she called would answer the phone. the phone rang continuously for a while before the person on the other line spoke up.

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