03. mistakes and running late

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03. mistakes and running late

The next morning was a blur to me. All I could remember was crying into my bother arms.

Nonetheless, I got up and proceeded to get read for the day. The team was going to be visiting the training grounds today.

The coach wanted everyone up and ready early so as usual I was up two hours earlier than the time was supposed to wake the team. I finished getting ready and made my way out of my room and out of the suite to start my rounds and wake up every player.

Waking up football players isn't easy especially ones that are heavily jet-lagged and not used to the time difference. The boys all moaned and groaned when I entered each of their rooms.

The final door I had knocked was my brothers. He was't answering so I figured he was in a deep sleep, so I opened the door to find his very much awake and putting on his shoes to head to the team breakfast.

I grabbed my badge and my Mexico jacket and headed down to the team breakfast.

After about an hour of waiting for all the players I did the head count to make sure everyone was present and accounted for. As we all ate we laughed and cracked jokes together.

The boy told stories about their roommates and caught up with each other. Henry and Alexis cracking jokes back and forth as the two were from rival teams.

I left early to go to the bus and make sure everything was ready to go as the boys would be departing form the housing ground in fifteen minutes.

I checked to make sure if there was any trash inside the bus and that there was enough space for the players and the rest of the team to fit inside. Once I was done looking over the bus I sent the officials the go ahead to allow the players to start entering the bus.

I stood outside the bus with a list of the people that were going to be riding in the bus and checked them off as they entered the bus. I looked inside again once again and called everyones name to see if everyone was present. Once it was confirmed that everyone was accounted for I took my seat at the from the bus and gave the driver the go ahead.

PowerPuff Girls

blossom 🌸: grace alvarez
bubbles 🫧: jude bellingham
buttercup 🍀: gio reyna

blossom 🌸
good morning lads have a good day doing whatever it is you lot do

bubbles 🫧
thank you grace appreciate you

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