013. there is no us

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013. there is no us

it had been a month that the couple had shared pure bliss.

only a month that the two had seemed to be happy because after a month the public had learned that the couple were officially together.

despite being very happy for the month the couple were no longer together for the reason that pedri was suspected tone cheating on everyone's favorite mexican sweetheart.

the conversation of when graciela had found out didn't go so well. there girl had just awoken beside pedri, who had been spending much of his time at her apartment, when her phone flooded with messages from her friends and tags on all her social media platforms.

the girl had originally only grabbed her phone to place it on do not disturb, but when she had a tweet that claimed pedri had cheated on her. she grabbed her phone and exited the room.

she went through a many posts and messages as she could before she realized was that what everyone was saying may have some truth to it.

the girl was crushed. it had been exactly what had happened in her last relationship.

the first call she got was a group facetime call from her best friends, gio, jude, brenden, and kai. then following the crying and pleading for them to come down and visit her; the call ended with jude telling her she would be there in no time and the rest claiming to have either been injured or having time off to see if they could go see her.

the next call was her brother and his family. to say edson alvarez was upset would be in understatement. the male was fuming; he hated that his sister was in so much pain just as much as he currently hated the star for breaking her heart. sofia was the more calm one trying to console the younger alvarez. it helped a little when she saw her young niece smiling up at her before she headed off to bed.

following the call that she got from her brother, her family down in mexico had given her a call to see how the girl had been doing. the girl talked with them fro a while before answering the hundreds of messages she had been getting from the english players and christian.

after finally answering everyone, including all the mexican players who had contacted her, she just sat there in silence. her legs were pulled up to her chest as she just watched what was left of the sunrise.

the soft knocks was what had broken the girl out of the trance. when she turned back she was caught face to face with wendell havertz, who simply opened her arms so the girl could cry into her arms.

graciela had gotten up and done just that. wendell just stood there holding up the fragile girl in her arms trying her best to be as comforting as she could be. the truth was wendell havertz didn't really handle emotions well. that was more her brother's thing, but in this instant she felt for the girl.

two relationships that she had given her whole heart too had resulted in heartbreak.

after a while the girl had calmed down and wendell smiled at her claiming that lili was downstairs trying to hold down two very furious pablo's, alejandro, and two other very furious best friends.

this made the girl laugh. so she went into the room where the gonzalez male was fast asleep and grabbed a jacket she had stolen from kevin alvarez, when they were in qatar. the girl grabbed her keys and made her way down to the apartment complex to try and help lili out just a little.

when the barcelona players saw the girl's face puffed they all went over to hug her and one by one they all backed away. she had smiled at them to assure them that she was fine.

yes, the players notice that the girl was wearing a club pachuca jacket but they thought nothing of it because of course she would have gear from her country. and it was true she had gear from practically all the teams in mexico. all except chivas as that would be a huge sin.

graciela took a slow breathe and told ferran, eric, and gavi that they should stand by pedri instead of herself. she told them that their loyalty should lie with their best friend and not his girlfriend.

ferran torres who had known the girl far longer refused it at first before realizing that the young alvarez was right. so graciela had moved over so the three males could go and deal with pedri. while pablo torre and alejandro balde, along with lilli and wendell, took the girl out to breakfast.

she had instructed the three males that had gone up to be with their friend to have him out before she returned.

but of course the male wouldn't leave without seeing graciela. when the girl walked not the apartment, tears and all, pedri's heart broke.

"no es verdad it's not true." he spoke out towards the girl who didn't believe a word out of his mouth.

it was very plausible that what the girl was saying was true. that week pedri hadn't stayed over at her apartment or his as well because he had been arguing with fernando. he hadn't been answering anyone's calls and when he finally resurfaced he was a mess. yes, it is true the male doesn't drink or do drugs but it seemed as he had because he had turned up to graciela's apartment high on adrenaline and very happy.

now that the girl thought back he was trying to be all those things but his eyes displayed pure guilt.

"sé que te acostaste con esa chica pedri. no hay necesidad de mentir i know you slept with that girl pedri. there is no need to lie," the girl responded as she tried to hold back tears.

"graciela... no pasó nada. solo me importas tú, nosotros graciela... nothing happened. i only care about you, about us," pedri responded.

graciela held her tears back and took a big gulp before calming down, "no hay nosotros pedri. ahora vete there is no us pedri. now please go."

and when the male tried to reach out to her alejandro and pablo torre had stood in front of her. pedri had sighed and grabbed his bag moving to leave as he was followed by his three best friends. once he was out the door and wendell had closed the door. she had pushed down the flowers he had bought her yesterday.

the glass and the flowers were all over the floor and the water they were in was now making a larger puddle.

she slid down the counter in tears. how had she managed to let someone else break her heart. she couldn't take any of it; she hurt and had no idea how she could fix the ache in her heart. yes they had been together for a month but she had always had the habit of falling in love far too fast.

"i'm going to go to mexico for a couple weeks and see if i come back or just stay there," they girl finally said before disappearing into her room. the rest of the group was left stunned at her words. 

HEY! so i know it is not what was expected lol. but uhm it was just what came to mind. wait till next week it's a huge plot twist.

also it's not edited too lol so hopefully there aren't many mistakes.

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