014. you can't leave

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014. you can't leave

"you can't go to mexico, gracie. you have work and what about jude. you promised to be his guide around madrid remember." wendell spoke as she had followed behind her.

graciela who had been packing for a last minute trip to see her parents had stopped to look up at wendell before continuing to pack.

"i will be back in time to show jude around. i'll only be gone for two weeks and i'll be back a day early to be here when jude comes to madrid." she responded to wendell.

"maybe this will be good for her wendell." liliana had said as she too walked in to help graciela pack up the things she would need.

the two males had remained in the living room, thinking it was best to let the girls handle the situation. but it was true that both boys agreed with liliana that she needed time to heal her heart.

wendell sighed heavily, "she's running away from her problems lili."

graciela laughed and stopped packing to face wendell, "running away... are you serious? i just got my heart broken for the second time this year and i'm running away. i get it you were one of his many behind the scenes girls, but just say what you really want to say."

wendell was stunned at what the girl had just said but also angry, "fine! you're being childish you don't even know that he cheated on you. you're acting irrationally and i think you should have at least heard him out."

"i did in the past and where did that get me. more lies until eventually he couldn't lie anymore. thanks but no," graciela spoke once more.

wendell just groaned, "oh my god. graciela, pedri isn't cole."

wendell quickly placed her hands over her mouth in shock as she finished that sentence.

gracie looked over at her once more, "how do you know that. huh. how do you know he's not. cole was supposed to be good snd he cheated on me our entire relationship. i am not taking that chance again i'm going."

graciela had grabbed her bags and her back pack and made her way out the room. alejandro and pablo grabbed her things and made their way down the stairs of the apartment to put her things into the car.

wendell wouldn't be able to stop her and she now realized it. so she did the only things she could think of.

pro footballers and wives
king julian: jude bellingham
gio joe : gio reyna
american boi: brendon aaronson
mr.steal your girl : graciela alvarez
mr.sophia: kai havertz
kai's #1 hater : wendell havertz
mrs.balde: liliana hernandez

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