11. left alone

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11. left alone

the next few days in germany were a dream. she had gone to the training grounds where she first met her best friends.

but sadly all good things must come to an end; the girl had to return to spain where she would officially be working for hopefully the next few years.

though she was sad to be leaving jude bellingham, she was also happy to be going to work for and incredible club and in a beautiful city.

the girl had gotten off the plane in spain and made her way to the car that was to take her to her apartment. as she saw the green car her eyes immediately got excited. she rushed over to the car to hug the male that was driving it. once she saw him she smiled.

he was her soulmate, the person she had been looking for her entire life.

as she was about to walk up to him she was bombarded with hugs for a certain youngster who was over the moon to be reunited with the girl.

"graciela gracias a dios regresaste te extrañé graciela thank god you're back i missed you" gavi spoke to the girl as he hugged her.

graciela had only responded with a soft loft and she had returned the hug. next she was put face to face with fernando gonzalez who only held a smile at finally being able to meet his younger brother's girlfriend... or at least the girl that was rumored to be his girlfriend.

she smiled politely at the older male and made her way over to the trunk to put her belongings in the back of the car. there was when she was finally put face to face with the male she had been longing to see once more.

"hi." graciela told the male shyly.

"hi," pedri responded and he moved to grab the bag from her hand.

graciela quickly pulled away from him as she seemed to be very nervous. it was then that the female had gotten a text message from her group chat.

pro footballers and wives
king julian: jude bellingham
giovanni :(  : gio reyna
american boi: brendon aaronson
mrs.pedri: graciela alvarez
mr.sophia: kai havertz
wannabe reyna: wendell havertz
mrs.balde: liliana hernandez

american boi
checking in to make sure you got in safe

sweetest human ever
yeah got in safe
heading to my new place rn

giovanni :( has left the chat

wannabe reyna
he's lame
change my name please

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