02. celebrations and broken hearts

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02. celebrations and broken hearts


   Arriving at the housing for the Mexico national team was a mess. It was dark for starters and Grace had to figure out where it was that all the guys were going to be. Thankful that she had taken a couple linguistics classes in college made the process of getting all the players into their correct areas very easy. 

   The boys were supposed to be attending a party that the host country was throwing them as a welcome to Qatar. Unfortunate for the girl, her job required that she ensure everyone is situated and that the accommodations were properly suited for each player.

  She enjoyed this part of her job because she could drown out all her worries and just focus on her job. She went in and out of the various rooms making sure that everything that belonged to the players entered the correct rooms.

  Though while the girl was focusing on work the Mexico team was enjoying their celebration. They laughed and partied as well as celebrated their friends birthday. They found joy in knowing that they were representing their country in the greatest competition in the world.

   Even so that couldn't stop Edson from worrying about his younger sister who was missing her closest friend. Graciela and Diego hadn't had contact with each other since a fight the two had during their celebration at the qualifiers back in the States. 

   He knew his sister missed him and that Diego missed her. All the older brother could wish was that the two would find a way to not only forgive each other but that Diego would find the courage to reach out to his best friend.

   It was true that the argument the two had was brutal but very unintentional. the two had both said things that they hadn't meant. Graciela wished the she could take it back but she couldn't and that only made her feel more guilty because now the things she had said had become a reality for her best friend just as the things that Diego had said about the girl had become reality as well. It crushed both of them but there was nothing to do but move on with life and keep living.

   Even when Graciela was done with double triple checking all the accommodations were correct; she couldn't bring herself to celebrate Henry's birthday. Which not only crushed her but also the player as well and he was determined to have the girl he had grown to adore there with him on his special day. 

   The older male trailed through the halls looking for the room titled Alvarez.  He opened the front door and went to the girls room. He knocked softly and she opened the door. Seeing the male was shock to Grace. She was sure that the male would be partying with the rest of the team.

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