i. pedri's goal

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i. pedri's goal

it was the first game back in which graciela alvarez wore the number eight on her back. the girl had been very successful in promoting the B team for fc barcelona and the male had been flourishing, averaging an assist and a goal a game.

the couple could be nothing but happy with each other. in fact they were so happy that they now lived in the same home... with fer lingering around as well.

the group lived in the apartment in which the two brothers had been living since their move to barcelona.

though their living situation was only temporarily as the couple had already been looking into purchasing a home together.

so it was no surprise that graciela was sat next to the bench where the first team players were.

she conversed with ferran torres as the two watched the game from the seats.

pedri and gavi both playing in the game along with alejandro balde who had recently taken over the spot from veteran jordi alba.

pablo torre another great friend of hers sat next to ferran and was trading words with liliana. she held pure joy to see her boyfriend on the pitch.

graciela sat listening to ferran but also watching the man she loved soar through the field. his game was pure magic and she didn't think she would ever get over the way he played.

just as she looked over to ferran he stood up and suddenly everyone was standing. pedri and gavi were nearing the net of the opposing team. pedri passes the ball to gavi whom makes a quick move to see who's open before returning the ball to pedri.

without hesitation the gonzalez male kicks the ball as hard as he can and it soars into the back of the net.

he meets gavi on the side as the two celebrate the goal. on his way back towards his side of the pitch he walks over to the bench and places a kiss on graciela's lips before whispering into her ear.

"este goal es pa ti. los goles que marcó, son todos pa ti."
this goal is for you. the goals I score are all for you

as he back pedals into his position he blows a kiss towards the girl and she smiles. now everyone knew that the couple had gotten back together.

she didn't mind though. all the young alvarez really cared about was watching pedri play on the pitch.

PowerPuff Girls
blossom 🌸: graciela alvarez
bubbles 🫧: jude bellingham
buttercup 🍀: gio reyna

bubbles 🫧
wanted to barf when i saw pedri kiss you

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