017. i hate you

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017. i hate you

after a much needed day of rest. graciela alvarez gathered her things and all the paperwork she had to turn in. the girl grabbed her keys and headed to her car to drive over to the training camp.

the girl was instructed to head towards the training grounds to meet with the coaches and see what they need to have scheduled in. the girl was going to be on the coaching staff.

which meant was going to do a lot of traveling. though her being on the coaching staff didn't mean that she was going to be participating in of course coaching the team but instead getting all the videos that the team wanted in order to promote the club.

the girl like the other media staff had a camera specifically for taking videos, a computer, and her cellphone.

the girl was in charge of the social media pages which meant that the girl would get the final say on what pictures were uploaded, what videos were posted to the youtube channel, and many other things.

her job was a crucial one as she would be working directly with the players.

fortunately for her when she had arrived at the fc barcelona training grounds.

as this would be her official first day in the training grounds, graciela had to do a full check. the staff checked her credentials and once everything was approved, they had given her the badge she was to show when she came to work and cleared all her equipment.

finally she was given a quick tour of the facilities and was shown to the training areas to meet with the coaching staff and the team.

as she walked towards the field she could feel another panic attack coming. these attacks had been happening more often then she liked and it was caused by the nervous energy she felt abut being face to face with pedri once more.

after practicing some of the tactics that christian had given her, she was able to calm down the attack before it came.

that was when she was face to face with the coaching staff. whom she greeted with hugs and a bright smile.

when xavi had called over the team to meet her. the bright smiles of alejandro and pablo torre had the girl smiling as well. though there were bright smiles there were also looks of confusion, dislike, and sadness.

xavi had picked up on the tense energy that now radiated through graciela. so xavi introduced the girl and allowed the players to greet her.

alejandro was the first to run up and give the girl a huge hug. next to him was pablo who simply smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder giving her a light shove.

the young alvarez laughed at the two before being introduced to raphinha and ousmane dembele. she found that all the players she was introduced towers very sweet.

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