12. just us two

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012. just us two

the next morning liliana had come over with alejandro. graciela had told the girl that she would leave the spare key under the mat for her to come in.

when the couple walked in they were met with tons of boxes around. liliana had thought that graciela would have done a little more packing but not even her clothing had been removed from her luggages.

it was then that alejandro had waked towards the couch to see that pedri and graciela were asleep. eve more that they were cuddled up to each other.

alejandro silently called over his girlfriend who took a picture of the two and sent it to their group chat.

alejandro was meant to pick up pedri and go to training together, but it seemed that pedri had forgotten about their plans.

the male walked over to the kitchen to grab the speaker and played the song "miénteme" by his twin sister talía and maria becerra.

the actual song is "miénteme" by tini and maria becerra

to which the two jumped right up. pedri was the first to react and try to reach for the speaker in attempt to try and turn it off.

while graciela quickly hid in an attempt to pretend what had just happened was not real. the couple before them just simply laughed at the pair.

everyone had known about the two's relationship and yet the two infront of the hid at the idea of being caught together.

liliana had moved over to where graciela now struggled to remove herself from pedri and began to talk to her as normal.

the tow girls discussed the plan to actually begin to unpack as pedri laid his head on her chest and continued to sleep.

alejandro who was now getting frustrated with the male had practically pried pedri out of graciela's arms. finally pedri had walked over to where he had left his things earlier and walked back over to where the two girl were and gave graciela a quick kiss before heading out with alejandro for training.

once the two males were out the door, graciela turned bright red and liliana had began laughing loudly. graciela threw the pillow she was once laying on at the girl and again liliana laughed.

"what happened you were supposed to be unpacking yesterday gracie. what till the group chat hears this." lili told the girl now beside her.

"pease it just happened. he had gone out to walk gavi and fer out, so i started unpacking the dishes and then he came back and started being cute. i just  couldn't resist." graciela responded as she groaned.

"so are you guys like officially boyfriend and girlfriend or is he still using those terms without actually having asked?" liliana asked again.

graciela looked at her with annoyance on her face, "the second one. like we are only seeing each other but it's like he's even afraid to call me his girlfriend."

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