ii. pregnancy scare

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ii. pregnancy scare

it had been a couple months now that the couple were now living in their own home. they were both flourishing in their careers and somehow also found time to be together.

on this particular night something had felt wrong to graciela. she knew that she and pedro had been intimate but they were also using protection.

she had called lili crying as she asked if she could bring the girl a pregnancy test.

she was feeling sick and hadn't had her period in almost a week.

when lili arrived, with all the things she could find for a possible pregnancy, graciela began to get more nervous.

pedri was away as these next couple weeks were away games and she had to stay for the b team whom only would be playing in barcelona these next couple weeks.

she didn't want to be pregnant as she believed she was too young to be. despite her brother having her niece around the same age, she didn't want to be a mother just yet.

this was something that she and pedri could both agree on. they simply weren't ready.

she didn't know what to do. should she call her brother or her best friends?

liliana could sense her nerves and despite not wanting to say it, she told the girl that if she was pregnant her getting worked up was not good for the baby.

so graciela kept calm and grabbed the two tests before walking into the bathroom. when she was done the girl left the tests inside the bathroom and sat with liliana on her bed.

graciela was scared and she wasn't afraid to admit it but having lili there made it all easier. she knew that having a child wasn't scary.

in fact she knew it all too well as not only her brother had child but so did veronica and mason.
they three of them seemed to handle things fine.

edson and sofia were still together and veronica and mason were managing co-parenting pretty well.

she shouldn't need to be scared one bit. if it happened then they would figure it out and if it didn't then that was fine as well.

after the long two minutes graciela and liliana walked into the bathroom together.

they looked at both test that read negative and collectively sighed. it wasn't a sigh of sadness but of relief.

it was just a scare; one the would live in her head forever.

after that the two girls had discovered that graciela just had a cold and that her period was just simply late.

so she called pedri to tell him all about her day today.

to which he did freak out a little but was relieved to know that his girlfriend was alright.

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