08. pedriela

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08.  pedriela

graciela was shaken away by a couple of the players on the team pouring water on her face. she coughed and lunged up. she looked to see who had done it and when she set eyes on kevin alvarez and luis chavez laughing she ran towards them and threw water at the two.

once all the craziness was done she sighed and looked to see that the entire team was now staring at her. she wriggled her eyebrows wondering why the team had been looking at her so weirdly. when she looked down she could see that the team was able to see her bra.

she internally freaked out.

there was a quick motion and a training jersey was on her. when she looked up to see who had covered her, it was emilio lara. he had smiled down at her and she thanked him. she took her shirt off and laid it to dry and gave emilio a pinny jersey to wear so that he would have something to cover his chest.

PowerPuff Girls
blossom 🌸: grace alvarez
bubbles 🫧: jude bellingham
buttercup 🍀: gio reyna

blossom 🌸
okay so first ik you both are training
we need to talk later :)
have some tea!
BUT on more pressing matters
could i go to jail for strangling a professional athlete in a different country

buttercup 🍀
uhm in the country yes
BUT not in another one know
why do you ask?

blossom 🌸
no reason
just plotting to strangle kevin

bubbles 🫧
ugh kevin...
he's stealing my bsf
i'll help you

buttercup 🍀
lets put the weapons down kids
don't plot to murder him
just make his schedule hell
he'll never do it again

blossom 🌸
gio being the voice of reason is scary
but your right thanks buttercup <3

buttercup 🍀
love ya

bubbles 🫧
it really is scary
level headed gio is scarier than normal gio
blossom 🌸 liked message

gracie alvarez :)
te salva gio @kevinalvarez_2 count your blessings <3
gio saved you
4:07 pm ∙ 24 nov 2022 ∙ 12.7k views
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