020. the EP

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020. the EP

the reason of the spilt between #pedriela was infidelity. pedri cheated on graciela but with WHO? according to liliana hernadez it was a close friend.
8:12 pm ∙ jan 2023 ∙ 316.9k views
9.5M likes | 2.7M retweets | 976.1k quotes
the only other person that was unfollowed by graciela was a certain havertz. maybe there's a reason her big brother no longer follows her after all...
8:12 pm ∙ jan 2023 ∙ 316.9k views
9.5M likes | 2.7M retweets | 976.1k quotes

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WHAT IF you all are just reading into things
↳ @user but it's believable honestly. she deleted a ton of photos with the two of them and others were removed because they were in them
↳ @user i'm pretty sure she archived them BUT yes it makes so much sense especially if none of her friends follow either of them.
↳ @user also did you know that gavi only follows pedri and not wendell

there's no way he cheated on her. you shouldn't spread rumors that you don't know
↳ @user uhm girl he did cheat one of her friends literally commented it on a post she made yesterday
↳ @user where i don't see it
↳ @user well duh she deleted the comment and then deleted the post.

grace... i can't even imagine the pain you must be in
↳ @user wonder if @edsonalvarez knew he cheated
↳ @edsonalvarez i didn't
↳ @user uhm i think we just got pedri killed

i kinda wonder what happened. like what happened to cause all of this

we're with you gracie you're not alone. you can get through this

that must be the mason she left to mexico for a month

so pedri fumbled the bag... i think now someone else should shoot their shot
↳ @user i say she gets with gio reyna perfect revenge
↳ @user gio is her best friend i don't either would do that

@user grace if you are reading this know that we love you so much
↳ @user you will get though whatever life throws at you

pedri would never. it's all lies
↳ @user uhm are you delusional or just dumb? asking for a friend

↳ @user she's so precious. how could he :(

like this comment if you think that graciela should just drop and album about him
↳ @user that would be so iconic but she wouldn't

the comment spread like wild fire. there were hundreds of screenshots and retweets about the post and a tweet by a supporter of the ex-couple.

thankfully the girl had managed to delete the comment before anyone could get a screenshot of it.

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